ich copper

  1. Fishrocker1

    EMERGENCY Possible Brooklynella outbreak

    Hey guys, Can anyone ID this if it is in fact Brooklynella. My clownfish is breathing heavy and has abruptly stopped eating. She appears to have a flaky like substance slowly building up around her and her orange color is now significantly less vibrant. She has been in qt with copper power for...
  2. J

    My fish are having 2 simultaneous disease ich and fin rot

    So I have a problem I had to QT all my fish for ich a week in the copper treatment (2.4ppm) my fire fish is showing signs of fin rot what do I do whish should I treat the fin rot or continue with the ich treatment Water quality is good I do weekly water change
  3. iFunnny

    Diving into QT for the first time!

    QUARANTINE! I've really dove into the rabbithole of QT. It's not really something that people in my reefing community do on this side of the world and gratefully having the space I thought i'd attempt to do so as best I can. I would appreciate any and all help to improve or remind me of what I...
  4. C

    To extend Copper QT OR Not

    Hello All, I have some fish in quarantine and after watching for a week I started slowly raising cupramine to theopathic levels. Fast forward 14 days and I notice last night my concentration dropped to close to under .35 from around .5. Its pretty hard to read the test kit. I mistakenly mixed...
  5. bReefedBaker

    My QT Sponge Filter - Reintroduce BB?

    As the title states - How do I reintroduced beneficial bacteria to my sponge filter? Here’s where my filter sits today. In my “little closet cabinet” for SW needs etc. Received new I just drenched it in fresh water and rung it out. Plopped it into my HOB Filter for a few weeks. If you know...
  6. Reefcoloorado

    EMERGENCY i have a spiny box puffer in qt looks infested and copper in not working on him

    i have a spiny box puffer who look s really bad compared to the clown fish and lion fish i have in qt to he loooks to mave a lot of white spots that just showed up this morning like crazy i am dosing copper safe by mardel and he's been doing good for around 2 months in it now all of the sudden...
  7. E

    Fish has beginning stages of ICH. But that fish and all other fish seem fine. NEED ADVICE

    I have a blue damsel that is starting to show signs of ICH. Been monitoring it for a few days and the spots seem to move and over the last week have increased from his tailfins to the top part of his top fins. However, it seems perfectly fine. Not sluggish eats like crazy blah blah. I have a...
  8. bReefedBaker

    Kicking ich - Day 1 vs. Day 5 -

    This past week has been something else reefers, but all is looking well. Purchased from the LFS and all seemed well. Got home to the QT tank she went and the moderating began. Monday night into Tuesday, she must’ve been stressed. I woke the next morning to her having a bad outbreak of what I...
  9. K

    Ich outbreak

    Recently bought a Redsea 300xl. All was going great till my foxface and brown Tang got ich shortly after bringing them home. Turns out they got better within 24 hours. Might of been the stress, no clue. So 10 days later we have an outbreak again on the same two fish. My other fish are a female...
  10. gettergejetter

    PBT in QT treat or not , what should I do?

    Hi everyone, so here is another question in the net about powder blues in qt and possible diseases. I've probably read all of them but I would like to have you guys opinion on my personal case. I have a Powder Blue Tang in QT since exactly 3 weeks now and it is eating very well since the...
  11. Alegeo_dragonette

    EMERGENCY Ich after copper treatment?

    Hello guys! Need some more specific guidance if is possible to get ich in QT after treatment,since the topics I found are not clear on what to do in such occasion. First of all let me briefly explain how, when and what happened. Up on my excitement I did the most common newbie mistake.. Too many...
  12. katiestl

    Cupramine contamination questions

    I’m using Cupramine in a quarantine tank to treat ich or velvet, unsure. I have a heater in there a HOB filter and I moved my MP40 to the quarantine tank also. My questions are around Cupramine or copper getting into things and then I can’t use them again. I want to be able to move my MP40...
  13. Davar93

    Treating with copper & quarantine

    Hey guys just to make sure I am doing this right and got my mass right as I do not want to kill any fish. I am using this for a quarantine tank that I have set up for some new fish that I got who look good but Wanna qt still. I am looking to treat 7 gallons and want to read 2ppm? So 70 drops...
  14. R

    Quarantine with cooper

    Ok so I have had an ich outbreak in my reef tank. I was able to catch my hippo tang and get it into a quarantine tank. I started cooper treatment about a week ago. My yellow tang started showing signs of ich. I was able to catch the yellow tang today. I dropped the yellow tang into the same...
  15. Sam816

    coral beauty treatment with copper power

    Hello fellow reefers, Need guidance regarding how to treat my Coral beauty with copper power. I have had this coral beauty in my QT for 2 weeks now. It is showing white spots on its body and tail. Colors are still bright and clear with no hazyness or mucus like coat on it. I observe her closely...
  16. Noob_Sam

    juvenile emperor angelfish QT?????????????????????????

    Hello, I just had a quick question are juvenile emperor angelfish copper safe? if not how should I QT them? I will use Copper Power @ 2.0 for 14 days. I tried to look up answers but there wasn't a yes or no answer. Also will it be ok with a blue tang and a 3 inch coral beauty angelfish? I think...
  17. J

    Hospital Tank for Ich question

    Hi Everyone, I am 3 months into the hobby, and unfortunately, my tank went through a pretty intense Ich outbreak after adding a Kole Tang. I lost the tang but was able to save my other 2 clownfish and have them in a hospital tank, using Copper Power. I have a few questions about this particular...
  18. Coral Winslow

    Ich Treatment Recommendation

    Hello Reefers, So on July 6th I noticed my one clown had a dozen ich spots pop up overnight (bought a complete reef setup with 3 clowns and coral etc in May) on July 7th they got moved to Quarantine dosing Cupramine. I have been monitoring closely to ensure the recommended copper level among...
  19. Noob_Sam

    Marine Ich HELPPPPPPPP

    Hello, So i have a bad ich outbreak. My blue tang, yellow tang, coral beauty, and dwarf lion fish all have ich. My other fish 2 clowns, and eel, and these two blue fish but non of them have ich. So i had a couple of questions: If i remove all my fish from my DT to my QT ( I read for 3-8...
  20. Marc88

    Dosing copper to your DT...the documented journey.

    In the short time I've been in this hobby, there have been three categories for copper dosing as it relates to the DT. Yes, copper will kill corals and inverts, that is not debatable. Make no mistake. I do not intend to bash anyone who falls into any of the categories. My goal is to try to...
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