
  1. Josiah_445

    Easy way to get rid of ich!

    Just wanted to share something I found on YouTube and has worked! Noticed some white spots on my tang the other day which I presumed to be ich. Found a YouTuber who uses ground ginger. All the comments were positive and I did some more research on it found out ginger has been used for parasites...
  2. D

    EMERGENCY Sick Dogface Puffer! Ich?

    I have a sick dogface puffer! He has ich I think. I treated with weco nox-ich (Malachite Green) after being recommended by a local fish store. Seems it didn't work or only provided temporary relief. Gave him a FW dip two nights ago. Hoping it's ich and not velvet. Would prefer to stay away from...
  3. J

    EMERGENCY Scopas Tang with severe Ich

    Hi, Im currently treating the tank with “Kordon Ich Attack Herbal” which is 100% natural and wont hurt the inverts… I also raised my tank temp to 86… theres also a rabbitfish in my tank with a few spots…. im also having a tough time getting then to eat…any other recommendations on what to do...
  4. T

    EMERGENCY Puffer with ICH

    recently got a blue spotted puffer(Canthigaster solandr,i think) (, no sign of ich when i got him (12/23) until today 12/28. from what i know/read puffer dont do well with copper but I might take that risk unless i can get some more opinions/help. I believe he got ich from stress? i know puffer...
  5. B

    I have a heater that has been through ich.

    I have a heater that has ich on it and I was wondering if I could boil it to get rid of the ich? If so what degrees will instantly kill ich? Any other suggestions? I would like to put the heater in today.
  6. B

    Ich medication on rock? If so removal help!

    My fish got ich around 3 weeks ago and it was successful (as of now). I used this medication named “Seachem Paraguard” and was curious if that sticks to your rocks like copper does? I did not use copper through the ich process. I used these rocks that I would love to put in my DT and was...
  7. B

    Want to move inverts to display tank but worried of ich

    So I have inverts in my old DT and I got a new DT but my older DT got ich and I heard that the cyst can stay on their shells. So my old DT has been fishless for about 2 weeks and so are the cyst still on my inverts and should I wait the 6-8 weeks or is their a way to kill the cyst on my inverts...
  8. B


    I am new to saltwater, and recently discovered my 6 striped wrasse has ich! I also have snails, hermit crabs, and an emrald crab. Now, I am going to quarantine my 6 striped wrasse into a different tank. But as I do know snails and crabs can not catch ich but can hold it, should I also remove my...
  9. R

    Liveaquaria has ich infected fish

    I communicated with liveaquarias specialist that handles the ich summarizing our conversation in the email she said use garlic and thats basically how they treat for ich. After confirming that they are the source of ich. She stated she doesn't want to answer anymore. Liveaquari has ich. If you...
  10. M

    Emperor Angelfish ICH

    Hi all I have diagnosed my Emperor Angelfish with ICH. All I can see right now on him is 2 spots I dosed the tank with Kordon Copper-Aid. I also have Kordon Rid ICH as well. I was wondering if I should dose that too at the same time as the copper? Also how often should I Dose the copper the...
  11. KevinC

    All hail marine ich/velvet

    To celebrate the 2nd time whole tank fish died to velvet/ich, 2nd time after half year with no fish :)
  12. Vague Doctor

    Experimental Ich Treatment... Wish me luck.

    I have a pretty trustworthy LFS less than 5 minutes from my house and I'm a frequent shopper. I often stop in on new delivery days just to check out what they get in and the like.... anyway, so I brought up today that it appeared that some of my little black bar chromis' were exhibiting symptoms...
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