
  1. J

    Spots on gem tang (ich?)

    Hi everyone, I have several fish in quarantine right now and one of them is this gem tang. He is currently in a 55 gallon hypo-salinity tank with a blue jaw trigger, melanarus wrasse, leopard wrasse, and a pair of long fin clowns. They were in my 265 gallon along when I someone managed to get...
  2. Kyuubi

    Ich in main display with eels :( what to do?

    So I have ich, well my tank does, here’s what’s in it: Juvenile orange shoulder tang (newest addition that was bought pre-quarantined on Black Friday) 3” Kleins butterfly 4” Pearl scale butterfly 4” Flagfin angel 3” three 1/2” blue green chromis Zebra eel about 18” Banana eel about 12”...
  3. K

    Bump on Powder Blue Tang

    My Powder Blue Tang developed a bump two days ago that is not like when it had ich back in April. This bump is much bigger in width and height. Additionally, it is the only bump / blemish on the fish. I ran hypo salinity at 1.009 since May. No other fish are scratching. I know my PBT is a good...
  4. Neo Baldovino

    Hypo-Salinity in Display Tank

    Hi Everyone! I’ve decided to hop on here and start a thread based on my on going experience with hypo salinity in an establish aquarium. I have a Red Sea 900 with a decent amount of livestock in it. Currently in it is an XL clown Tang, XL Powder Blue, L Gold Rim Tang, M desjardini, M Hippo...
  5. Jay Hemdal


    Hyposalinity Jay Hemdal 2021 This term refers to a long-term bath treatment for marine fishes in which the salt content of the water is lowered and held below the point that certain parasites can survive. The salt level reached, and the time of the treatment are the two variables...
  6. P

    identification and treatment for monogenean oncomiracidium fluke on Paracanthurus tang

    I would greatly appreciate your advice regarding the identification of and treatment for a "fluke" that has recently infested my tank and Paracanthurus tang. I have a marine aquarium that is heavily infested with some form of monogeneans. One fish exhibits overt disease ("blue tang"...
  7. S

    EMERGENCY Bloated Longnose Butterflyfish

    Hi all, very long time reader-first time poster on this new account since I haven’t a clue what i used as a login years ago. Hopefully some of the legends such as @Humblefish may chime in on this one. Purchased a longnose butterfly a month ago from a not so great LFS via a deal I couldn’t pass...
  8. FL Gator

    Hypo-salinity (1.009) with a horn shark. Bad or Okay?

    Hey I need to do hypo-salinity on the FOWLR and I wanted to know if my Horn Shark would be able to handle the lower salinity 1.009 for about a week. Some articles say it would be okay but some articles say it won't work for them based of there osmotic pressure inside and how they defuse the...
  9. ericguzman49

    Seahorse Advice

    I have a pair of seahorse that have been doing really well in my tank swimming around and doing fine. They’ve been nipping at the live rock for copepods. But recently I started noticing that one of them will curl its tail up and seemingly scratch or pick at his head. I also watched him rub his...
  10. nightmarepl

    how to setup QT tank for fast work on Hyposalinty

    hey guys, im trying to do hyposalinty to cure my tang and other fish from Ich, the tang isnt doing very well so need to be quick about this.. so my general idea is to buy a 20g tank, sponge filter, mini 50gph pump to move the water alittle, and heater... now i was thinking of taking out 5g of...
  11. nightmarepl

    salinity scanning device advice needed

    hey guys, so im planning of setting up a QT tank and trying the Hypo salinity method of killing ich supposedly its the easiest yet the safest way without using copper.... well i have a refactometer that i purchased from petco a year ago and ive been using it to measure my salinity in my current...
  12. kesh

    Identifying Osmotic Shock vs Disease

    A month ago, i bought two clowns and put them in QT. The next day, one clown started head twitching. Its condition was same and it died a week later after i decided to dip him in paraguard. The other clown is fine and has graduated to the DT. Today i visited the LFS i bought from and I asked...
  13. aykwm

    Benefits of Hyposalinity on Fish

    I recently did an article about using hyposalinity to cure marine ich and how strains were found to survive salinity levels low enough to kill fish. You can read about the topic here: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/hyposalinity-for-treating-cryptocaryon-irritans-marine-ich.313163/...
  14. aykwm

    Hyposalinity for treating Cryptocaryon Irritans (Marine Ich)

    This is my first article on this forum so I hope you enjoy it and benefit from it. One of the most common diseases in saltwater that we usually face is Cryptocaryon Irritans or commonly known as Marine Ich. There are few treatments that pop to mind, Copper, Chloroquine phosphate (CP), Tank...
  15. Colten

    Hyposalinity on display tank

    So I'm about to start hyposalinity on my 225 gallon display tank to treat ich. I would do a hospital tank but I got about 15 fish which include emperor, yellow tang, porcupine puffer, foxface, dwarf angels, gobies and damsels. So I'm wondering what I should be expecting, is the ammonia or...
  16. Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 02/2021 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine aquarist...
  17. Alexpora Corals

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 10/2020 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine...
  18. Colten

    Hyposalinity with ich

    So I have a porcupine puffer that I just got a couple days ago, he now has ich. I have 8 assorted damnsels, maroon clown, coral beauty, yellow wrasse, and a yellow goby in the tank with him. Could I just use hypo on the whole display tank to treat the ich? If so, should I lower it all in one...
Pirates Reef Corals