hydros x10

  1. JeffB418

    New York Aquarium Controller Testing Dry Goods FS: Hydros X10 Controller (New/Opened)

    I have a new/unused Hydros X10 controller in the original box available for sale. I used the original PH probe it came with, but am replacing it with a brand new Milwaukee Glass pH Probe in its place. If you plan on using the iV, this is the best probe for this tester. Controller has not been...
  2. G

    Hydros controller

    Does anyone have any experience with the hydros line of controllers? Was looking at the x10 specifically. Mainly interested in getting the IV module as well. Looking for it to monitor PH salinity and alk. https://topshelfaquatics.com/products/hydros-control-x10-aquarium-controller-hydros...
  3. T

    Hydros X10 + Rigid tubing

    Does anyone know if you can use a murlok like push connect adapter with the hydros x10 DOSers? https://www.saltwateraquarium.com/4-pack-1-4-x-1-8-nptf-female-adapter-white-apex-dos-fitting-mur-lok/ I’m looking for something that will adapt to 1/4” rigid tubing.
  4. X

    Hydros Programming

    Hello, and thank you for your time and assistance. I've been a longtime user of the Neptune system but recently switched to Hydros. For the past two months, I've been running this new system and have gathered some insights. However, I'm facing challenges with my dosing regimen, which previously...