
  1. BoBiddly

    Is this aiptasia? Got some new zoas and noticed this..

    I had a friend that is getting a new tank, so had to get rid of a lot of his corals. Some of his zoas have feather dusters, which I’ve heard are healthy for a mature tank. These pink cat eyes are the only corals that have these. They’ve been in my tank for about a week and have now popped up...
  2. Karen00

    Are these hydroids

    Hello fellow saltines, I just discovered these guys on a tiny dark section of my rock. It's dry rock. They are very tiny. In doing some searches I think they might be hydroids. If they are can I pull the rock and scrub them off. They're kind of pretty and quite hypnotic watching them with my...
  3. B

    Can anyone plz help me ID these? these are two separate tanks

    Can anyone plz help me ID these? these are two separate tanks. Ugh I just finally got rid of nearly all of the vermitid snails and digitate hydroids and now I have to deal with this :(
  4. vaguelyreeflike

    Frag tank full of gross-ness, help!

    So our frag tank is just filled with detritus, algae, hydroids etc. We failed to dip the original frags which was the downfall, new ones will be dipped in reef primer and lugols, but how can we clear the tank of all of this? It looks disgusting struggling with phosphates, calcium and alk...
  5. M

    Tiny white anemones? Hydroids maybe?

    Hello, I work at an aquarium for starters. We have a coldwater seahorse tank (63°F) with nothing else in it. The tank has a ton of these anemone like guys. They look to be potentially colonial? It doesn't seem to bother the potbelly seahorses at all! But when I scrub the tank they seem to be...
  6. S

    What are these small organisms? Found only in very hidden places and not reproducing fast or growing large either.

    I’ve begun to notice 2 new organisms slowly appear on my live rock in areas of low light. tank is a little over a year old. Attached are 2 pictures the organism that is in the pic with one circle, I thought at first was a small feather duster but the frill ends do t seem to retract when...
  7. Spare time

    Hydroids and aminos? (Also do they use silicate)

    Does anyone know if branching hydroids are capable of using free form amino acids, fatty acids, and carbs such as reef energy? If not, what EXACTLY do they eat? Everyone I have seen says they eat coral food and that is not helpful. They normally stay on one rock in my tank but recently have...
  8. MrDeathKills


    Hi i have found some if these in my tank and wondering what they are. I have been told they look like hydroids. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  9. N1CK

    Help me ID this please

    Hi everyone, I am a new reefer and new to reef2reef. After cycling my tank and adding my first fish, I thought it was finally time to take the plunge into corals. I bought a beautiful green ricordea covered rock from LFS, unfortunately though it has also come with bristle worms, and whatever...
  10. nanonøkk

    is this enough to kill hydroids

    ok so i picked up a frag and it had some hydroids on it so i covered that entire area with superglue here’s a picture i’m just wondering if this will be enough to kill them
  11. SiD

    Hydroids or Aptasia?

    I have these growing under a live rock which cannot be taken out of the tank without disrupting the entire aquascaping. Similar structure seen on a Zoa colony one night which was scrapped out of the zoa with a scapel outside the tank. Tank is 5 month old with parameter within normal range...
  12. nanonøkk

    feeling stupid

    ok so now that i look at it will hydroids respond if i blast them with water because if they do i don’t think i have hydroids and i just sold everything for no reason and i could’ve kept my tank without getting everything that i just bought for my new 20 gal
  13. nanonøkk

    yay... hydroids

    ok so my duncan was closed for a few days i was like oh that’s fine then i noticed white stringy things and they retract when touched now i know they are hydroids and i know blah blah terrible spelling no commas i’m kinda in a rush atm but here’s what i did i took my turks- baster thing filled...
  14. Reefer37


    Got these things hanging around the corner of my tank. Can't tell if they're hydroids or something else. Can anyone help ID?
  15. Daveouthere

    Hydroid problem

    Hey guys so I’ve noticed some stuff on a zoa frag of mine and determined that they are hydroids, what can I do to fix this problem? Do I dip the frag or something? I kind of isolated the frag tonight on my frag rack because it has started to spread on my rocks any ideas or suggestions are...
  16. CelestialCorals

    Trying to identify what these may be...

    I’ve been told by some they’re pods & some say they’re hydroids. Can anyone help confirm what they are & if they’re good or bad. Should I be worried & do I need to get rid of them? If so, how? Sorry the photo isn’t the best, but it was the best I could do. They’re all over my tank glass.
  17. Smacks21294


    Found these on an older piece of live rock that was given to me. Tank is 2 months old and the suspected hydroids are not spreading. Moved the rock to quarantine tank just in case. Any ideas on I'd? They are tiny and evenly spread out on the rock.
  18. dtruitt


    Sorry for the blurry photo, it was the best I could do. Zoa is actually on the upswing. Acro is new. I'm thinking I may have some hydroids to contend with. Any chance these guys are feather dusters or something less problematic?
  19. sixty_reefer

    Tiger cowrie a Natural predator for Zanclea Hydroids

    In past I had 3 outbreaks of these hydroids, they just to hard to kill 3 times I’ve nuked the tank with febenzadole but somehow they always get back stronger. There isn’t any known predator available in the hobby right until now, only a few nudibranches eat them but not available for us. I...
  20. Simmi


    Can anyone help identify this thing that showed up today in my tank? I think it’s hydroids but have no idea if it’s good bad or something neutral. Any help would be awesome! I have attached a photo taken today Thanks!
  21. alexytman

    Hydroids (digitate specifically)

    How harmful are they? How badly do they sting. If so, do they sting humans? If removal is needed, what should I do? If removal is not needed. They're pretty dang cool
  22. ReefAddict16

    How to kill hydroids before they spread.

    I have some colonial hydroids and they’re spreading fast. What’s the best way to get rid of these?
  23. kanders87


    In the past month, I’ve been noticing more (what I think is hydroids) cropping up on my rock. Can anyone confirm? Also, noticed some tiny white specks on my glass, but it was hard to get a good picture. Literally look like tiny grains of sand on the glass. No distinguishing features that I...
  24. Florida Sunshine

    Hydroids - How do I eliminate- They have taken over my tank

    So I have this stuff that has pretty much taken over my tank and I can't get rid of it. I'm looking for an ID and an eradication plan that is anything short of a total teardown.
  25. Mike N

    Digitate hydroids spreading. What to do?

    I've got a Fluval edge 6g nano that's been up and running about 5 weeks now. No fish, just CUC and random hitchhikers. I noticed the first couple of d.hydroids a couple weeks ago isolated to one rock. They have since spread to most of the other rocks. Not infestation levels yet, but a good 6-7...
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