hydrogen sulfide

  1. besskurz

    Build Thread Fish bowl Jaubert plenum 8.8g

    Hello y'all, I started reefing 2 years ago. When I was still living in Brazil. At that time, I was learning a lot with youtube videos. Berlin method is widely promoted, so for a new guy, I thought this was the only way to reef. My first AIO lasted a bit more than a year until I had to move to...
  2. KM Wrasse

    Leopard wrasse hydrogen sulfide??

    Hello I have a 93 gallon mixed reef cube with a deep sand bed of about 3-4” in the back and only about 1” in front. I have had several newly added divided leopard wrasses that were very active and eating suddenly disappear? And I just had a new one that was swimming normally and exploring...