hydrogen peroxide

  1. Lebowski_

    Is there a dummy's guide to how hydrogen peroxide helps with nuisance algae?

    I used it recently to help fight back against cyano, and I see it being used quite often to help with algae. How does it work? Why does it kill the bad stuff, but the tank seems to be perfectly fine? Why is the good bacteria spared? How is it affecting the inverts? Does it accumulate and need...
  2. taylormaximus

    Help with setting up Copper Power QT plan

    Hi! So I'm researching trying to do a copper QT for new fish moving forward (using copper power). I had a couple questions to get clarifications on, and then after that I'll probably make a post sharing my QT plan, just to run it by some pros on here and check for flaws. 1. Could you go 14...
  3. Lebowski_

    AIO Build Dinoflagellates Breeding Tank | IM Fusion 15

    Been out of the scene long enough to remember Metal Halide bulbs hotter than the sun itself. Fish and CuC 2 x Nassarius snail 3 2 x Spiked Astrea snail 2 x Tank Bred Clownfish 4 x Blue legged He Coral Many mushrooms and Zoas (Frozen Apple, Rasta, Illuminati, Red People Eater) 1 x...
  4. A

    How long can leather corals stay out of water?

    I need to clean a rock out of water since it's full of GHA and I estimate it will take about 30 minutes to scrape it all off, spray H2O2, let it sit, then rinse with SW. I also have a mushroom on this rock but since it's on the lower part I can keep it submerged. Also, is spraying H2O2 really...
  5. taylormaximus

    Questions about Tank Transfer Method QT?

    So some brief backstory here, I set up my first saltwater tank about 6 weeks ago, got it cycled and added my first fish last week (firefish goby). I decided to forgo QT for the first fish fully aware of the potential consequences of this, figuring I'd get lucky with my first fish and I'd get my...
  6. A

    Hydrogen peroxide to kill hair algae

    So i’ve seen plenty of different methods to use H.P. to kill GHA The one that works best for me in to apply 1ml of 3% H.P. onto the GHA on my rocks (since they’re too big and have too many corals to just be taken out) My question is: can i use the one found at drugstores? Or do i have to go...
  7. BlueFynn_Ian

    Fish Only Ich Treatment Help (Peroxide or Bleach??)

    Hi there, First time poster, long time observer and thread reader. Looking for some guidance to help my father with his 400 gallon Fish Only tank. He has been dealing with an Ich outbreak for a couple of months now and has until now been just using Ruby Reef Rally pro and Kick-Ich in tandem...
  8. Muffin87

    Sodium pyrophosphate in 3% H2O2 as stabilizer reef safe?

    I can't find food grade anything where I live because food-grade isn't a thing here. I found a good source of hydrogen peroxide 3% that contains sodium pyrophosphate. I'd imagine the sodium pyrophosphate acts as a stabilizer, and should be present at about 25 – 250 mg/L. Is this amount of...
  9. Karen00

    Barley straw as algae inhibitor in saltwater tanks

    Hello fellow saltiness, I know barley straw is used as an algae inhibitor in freshwater (especially ponds) because it releases H202. 3% hydrogen peroxide dosing is also used in saltwater for the same purpose. Has anyone tried barley in a mesh bag in saltwater or are there other things released...
  10. D

    Treating Dinos and Cyano with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. - Does it work and is it safe?

    Over the last month or so I have seen spots red slimy stuff growing on my rocks and close to frags. This has been happening in high and low flow areas. I am guessing this could be a form of cyano which I brush and siphon out. Also, my sandbed and glass panels go brown with a stringy organism...
  11. D

    Stringy algae growing out of control and hurting corals! Please help.

    Hello, so I have been into the reefing hobby for about a year and a half now and about 4 months ago I purchased this 30 gallon tank and cycled it, and placed a few fish and corals in. I am at about the 3-4 month mark and all of the sudden this strongly algae began to grow very quickly and in a...
  12. kwirky

    Hydrogen peroxide is an awesome miracle cure for me so far but what are the long term risks?

    I'm finding myself using a lot of peroxide now, brushing stuff off with it, and dosing it nightly with the 1mL/10g that's commonly recommended, and it's completely turned my tank around! This feels like miracle stuff! What are the long term implications of using it? I had a horrible...
  13. polyppal

    A believer in H2O2

    Wanted to share my experience with the effectiveness of H2O2 baths This whitetail tang had an advanced case of velvet, and after a few days in the QT was on deaths door :( I ended up treating him with a 30m Hydrogen Peroxide bath (following @Humblefish instructions) followed by a standard...
  14. nanonøkk

    yay... hydroids

    ok so my duncan was closed for a few days i was like oh that’s fine then i noticed white stringy things and they retract when touched now i know they are hydroids and i know blah blah terrible spelling no commas i’m kinda in a rush atm but here’s what i did i took my turks- baster thing filled...
  15. Tangina20

    Hydrogen peroxide for green hair algae?

    I recently bought 10 pounds of live rock with green hair algae (I got it for an extremely good deal at $.50 a pound). The rock was out of water for a day But was still moist when I bought it. The rock has been sitting in a bucket with water and a powerhead until I can figure out what to do with...
  16. T

    Heavy dinoflagelates, zero phosphate zero nitrate

    29 gallon mature Aqueon tank with HOB filter and HOB skimmer, 2 Hydor pumps for circulation, 1/2" sand bed and pukani rocks. 1 large BTA, and numerous SPS and way too many kenya trees. Small purple tang, mature standard clown, and blue spotted jawfish. Shortly after I removed my skimmer for...
  17. potatocouch

    Hydrogen Peroxide H202 for bleach & wound okay to use?

    I understand they have stabilizer agent in it, so was wondering if anyone that ever uses Hydrogen Peroxide, do you exclusively only use the food grade version?
  18. potatocouch

    H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide 3% or 6%

    From what I understood, 3% Hydrogen Peroxide dosed 1ml per 10 gallon, once daily. Is there anything else should I be aware of? Do I dose in Sump near overflow chamber so it get the chance to dilute before reaching return? Should I be getting 6% for stronger dose or 3% is okay? I will take...
  19. A

    Why can't I get my nitrates down?

    I have a 29 gal BioCube reef tank that has been established for 2 years. About 3 months ago, after some neglect on my part with infrequent water changes, I noticed some red slime algae. I got some stuff from my LFS "slimeanator", it wasn't the yellow powder, it was a light blue liquid that I...
  20. R

    Umbrella effect on Reverse Space Monsters

    Hey all, I have been reading up a lot on zoas and with one of my colony of reverse space monsters doing the umbrella thing, am looking for ways to help it recover. It has been like this for almost 2 weeks now. There are no reaction to the polyps when it was touched (typical of umbrella...
  21. Jackcarp

    Build Thread H2O2 Dosing questions v/s Vodka

    My 110 has been running for about 6 months now. I started strong with low nutrients and very little algae growth, but with the addition of some sps, I stopped vodka dosing so the nutrients would go up. So at this point I have a tank that has enough corals in it that aren't doing well (I've...
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