
  1. zaidalin79

    Suspected (visual diagnosis under microscope post mortem) Uronema in DT FOWLR tank hypo salinity

    I have been battling with deaths in my 125 FOWLR for some time now, trying different meds and continuously losing fish. I have been running hypo in the hopes of ridding me of a few critters while I was trying to stock the tank with the intention of bringing the salinity back up once I got that...
  2. taylormaximus

    Questions about Tank Transfer Method QT?

    So some brief backstory here, I set up my first saltwater tank about 6 weeks ago, got it cycled and added my first fish last week (firefish goby). I decided to forgo QT for the first fish fully aware of the potential consequences of this, figuring I'd get lucky with my first fish and I'd get my...
  3. B

    EMERGENCY What disease is this? Lymphocystis?

    I had clown fish in the quarantine tank for four weeks now. The first four days I used copper power on the clown fish, but took it away because they were not eating. I noticed that the clown fish were pooping, white stringy poop, so I treat them with kana Plex. After a week I put the clown fish...
  4. P

    Copper medication

    Hi guys, i just got my fish in yesterday in the quarantine. I found out it has ich. It looks stress although it had been in the tank for a day. Should i add copper in now or should I wait until it destress? Its a blonde naso tang with big white spots on its body which looks like stress spots.
  5. A

    EMERGENCY Marine velvet questions

    I have a fish in QT with marine velvet I have couple of questions 1) Can I use methylene blue when doing fresh water dips? 2) Can I add methylene blue to copper treated tank(cupramine)? 3) Can marine velvet contaminate my RODI water if came in contact? can velvet survive in RODI water if yes...
  6. Scopulum Zombie

    What disease/parasite does this look like?

    Day three of the HumbleFish H2O2 hybrid TTM. Came home to find a green mandarin, the blue-spot jawfish pictured below, and an African cleaner wrasse had passed. All had similar markings. Other fish in QT not showing any signs of illness. Any ideas? Bacterial? Thanks.
  7. S

    Is this tang healthy?

    Hello All, had this yellow tang in QT for 3 weeks. Treated it with prazipro for the last 2 weeks. It eats well. Pellets, frozen and nori. Tank has had some issues with higher nitrite than it should, though these are fine now. Im wondering if it is starting with HLLE? Could this be caused by the...
  8. L

    Cupramine api general cure quarantine

    Just after Christmas I lost all my fish but a naso tang to velvet maybe ich but I'm sure it was velvet so I have left my tank fallow to eradicate it i purchased all the fish I lost and I have completed the treatment of seachem cupramine at a consistent therapeutic level for 30 days mid way I...
  9. R

    Rash on tang

    I have a scopes hybrid in at and started a skin problem after dosing parzi pro ..
  10. S

    EMERGENCY Can I mix aqua vitro 8.4 with copper power to raise pH?

    Hi. Trying to raise my pH in my QT tank that we just started with copper power. Just got to 1 and slowly increasing this week. Can 8.4 be put in the tank with copper power and prime? Thanks for the help.
  11. new2reefing123

    Hospital tank questions.

    Forst time with ich. Please let me know if I should do anything besides what I am doing. Removed all fish from DT to a 40g hospital tank. Added a hob filter with filter floss only(no carbon media), added a sponge filter and air pump to increase O2, added some PVC and other areas for fish to...
  12. J

    Sick Copperband please help

    This guy’s been perfect until this am. Then he got sucked against a power head (assuming because he’s weak). We freed him up and he swam a bit but then fatigued quickly so we protected him in an acclimation box so nobody would bother him. All over the course of maybe 6 hours. No obvious markings...
  13. Blakjax

    Sailfin Tang Diagnosis Needed

    I currently have a 65 gallon qt set up. I’m running copper power at 1.75 with 4 fish - 2 clowns, 1 longnose, and 1 sailfin. They have been in qt for 5 days (3 in full therapeutic levels of copper). I’ve now noticed this white bump on my sailfin. It’s been there since I got it but seems to be...
  14. Msaslan

    This fish was looking healthy 12 hours ago. Please help identify the disease.

    The fish was in a hospital tank, i am treating the tank with cupramine still below therapeutic levels. Also doing furan 2 at the same due to ich and fin rot outbreak a the same time. Ich was obvious and I identified the fin rot best to my knowledge comparing photos and information online. I have...
  15. A

    Help!!! Is this ich, velvet or brook???

    One of my 2 clownfish is covered (see pic). A little history...my DT got ich October and killed almost everything. I left if fallow for 76 days. I QT everything now in copper for 30 days before it goes in the DT. Did ich survive the fallow period? I even got a freshwater black Molly and tested...
  16. A

    Sick Blue Hippo!

    Please someone help. My blue hippo isn't doing well. He has been in a QT tank in coppersafe since 11/10 at a 2.0 level confirmed with Hanna meter. He has ich, velvet or something else now for the last few days. He's also loosing color. I added Prazi 3 days ago too to see If it was something...
  17. B

    Ideal QT tank set up

    Hello I’ve been doing some research for my QT tank set up and i’m starting to read and have a few people tell me that the ideal QT tank should have the same filtration set up like your display tank. I purchased a 55 gallon tank to be my QT tank because I want to get tangs, angels, wrasse and...
  18. B


    My powder brown has white spots all over him. Could you help me figure out what it is/ how to fix it? Thanks in advance. The pics aren’t that great but he is eating/ swimming/ acting normal.
  19. MamaP

    Brook on Molly converted to SW??

    I just got a few black mollies to be my canary fish to verify Ich has been eliminated from my DT. Converted them to SW and they're in their own QT. Could they be susceptible to Brook? See pix attached. Does this look like Brook? Only one of them looks like this. Started treating GC in water and...
  20. RJKain-777

    Cupramine a Kordon copper aid

    I’m currently QTing my remaining fish after an out break of ich. I started with cupramine, then threw reading , found out it’s not safe for wrasses. Immediately did a 90% water change and added carbon. I went to my LFS and they had some Kordon copper aid ( not the best, but being in Canada...
  21. Globalbutterfly

    Spot on Blonde Naso Tang

    JUST noticed a spot on my Blonde Naso. It is raised and looks a bit like a piece of sand. I’ve had him since June 2018, no issues - healthy, eats “well” (he’s a greedy pig and I worry that maybe he’s getting fat.) Poop is normal (copious, green and “solid”). All other fish look ok. This...
Torch SALE