horseshoe crab

  1. Caleb M

    Tank update and livestock!!!!

    Hello everyone!!!! Excited to show an update on the tank after 2 years the tank has been running great "knock on wood" Im 25 gal lagoon Aio is still doing great! The live stock has changed but kind of stayed the same. In the past I have had multiple mandarin goby's. I successfully got one of...
  2. A

    Horseshoe Crab Molting Deformity

    I have had my horseshoe crabs for 3 years, they have molted several times over the years however I encountered an issue that non of the forms I have read have covered my horseshoe crab had a molt but something went wrong, he cracked the shell open before fully exiting the shell and then he got...
  3. Nemz

    Horseshoe crab with shell disease?

    I have an adult female horseshoe crab for about 1.5 year now. She is doing very well. She eats well, unbothered, and very actively digging . The problem is she has developing shell disease :confused:. No other horseshoe crabs have this problem. Its only her. Her shell is very rough as she has...
  4. Phantom7

    Horseshoe crab question

    Hello! Yesterday I went to my lfs with the intentions of grabbing an anenome and 3 peppermint (hoping they’re true) to deal with my very mild aptasia issue I’ve had for the past year in my 120. Knowing myself, I walked out with 6 peppermint, a urchin, and a horseshoe crab. i purchased the...
  5. S

    Balancing refugium

    Heya guys! I apologize beforehand for my long post but there is a lot of information and weird thing that happened. I am somewhat new to the hobby. I have read basically everything you can about everything concerning the care of horseshoe crabs and their husbandry as well as everything I can...
  6. S

    Horseshoe crab and refugium setup

    Heya guys! I apologize beforehand for my long post and if it's in the wrong area, this seems right though but there is a lot of information and weird thing that happened. I am somewhat new to the hobby but I have read basically everything you can about everything concerning the care of horseshoe...
  7. T

    Horshoe crab injured

    Our friend accidentally dropped our live rock on top of our horshoe crab when cleaning. He lookes okay but was upside down for a while, then we flipped him, then he moved a little bit away from his spot. We thought he was dead so we took him out. But my husband has been checking on him and it...
Pirates Reef Corals