hole in flesh

  1. H


    Flesh exposed on elegant coral, noticed it’s been bitten off. The damaged side mouth is still attached but its skeleton and flesh is 20% exposed underneath. The coral has 3 mouths in total so will it heal itself or is it the start of more deterioration???? how long will it take for the coral to...
  2. N

    Tear in wellso tissue

    Just realized today that my wellso has a tear in the tissue. What should I do?
  3. K

    Yellow Tang Woes

    Good afternoon, Quick synopsis…mature reef, 65 gal 1.025 Nitrate 5 Phos .8 Alk 9.5 Cal 500 Mg 1470 pH 8.1-8.3 Tank been running for 6 years Running Modified Moonshiners 1000ml kalk I’ve had the yellow tang for well over a year. Quite healthy or so I thought. Wife noticed ‘white dust’ on him...
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