hob filters

  1. A

    Most Customizable HOB filter for 36 gallon coral tank

    Hello , I am returning to the hobby after a 10 year break. I am doing a small 36 gallon with soft corals and live rock and maybe 4 or 5 fish. My last tank I had a 55 gallon FOWLER with a canister and had no issues. However after reading this site I have learned that canister filters are no...
  2. X

    Seachem tidal and corals

    I'm about to make the jump from freshwater. After almost a years research I have finally decided to dive in. I want to do a reef nano tank, with mostly corals. My knowledge on them is limited although I will always study anything before buying it. I have bought a 150 ltr (40 G?) Tank. A sump is...
  3. ReeferMadne55

    Changing Filtration?

    After doing a decent amount of research the past few days, I came to realize that running a new canister filter on my tank has seemingly led to nitrate issues. There are only 2 clowns and 1 small blenny in tank, yet nitrates have been an issue. I was unaware that many people label canisters as...
  4. ReefReadyYouTube

    Best way to run a HOB filter.

    This is obviously my opinion but works great for me and I would recommend this setup to anyone. I’m using a Fluval 50 but I feel like this can work in any HOB filter. The media need is: • Cheato •Filter floss •Poly filter pad •GFO/ chemi pure blue nano •LOTS of bio blocks/pellets/spheres This...
  5. Eve

    Upgrading Filter

    Okay guys, it’s me again asking for opinions! I was thinking, since Im upgrading the lights for my 55g tank, I would like to upgrade the filter also. I am looking for HOB, I do not want a sump since its going to be taking to much space I believe. Any good recommendations? This is the one I have...
  6. Rakkasan

    HOB's & Saltwater Tanks regular maintenance

    So this thread is for the few hobbyist that rely on HOBs solely to achieve their beautiful tanks. My questions are what are you using and what does regular maintenance consist of for you? Aside from the regular water change when are you swapping out your media bags. What chemicals are you...
  7. RobertN

    What's a good HOB filter for holding tank?

    Hi All-- I've read people's recommendations for what type of equipment is needed for a QT or holding tank and a HOB is usually one of those items. Can someone recommend a good one that isn't too expensive? Thanks! Robert
  8. Salsaa

    HOB Pipe Length

    This may be a dumb question but I am wondering if the siphon pipe on my HOB filter should be short or long. I have a 16g tank running a Whisper 30-60 power filter. Thanks for your input.
  9. C

    How much HOB is too much?

    hey reefers I've got a 50 gal Hagen tank. Currently running an hob reef octo skimmer, hob seachem media filter and hob uv sterilizer. I understand it's a lot of clutter but I really don't mind. Anyway I want to add an hob refugium but my concern is tank/glass failure do to weight on the back...
  10. J

    How well do HOB Filters work on Large Tanks ???

    I'm thinking of putting two AquaClear 110s on an undrilled 90 gallon, along with a Reef Octopus HOB-90 Protein Skimmer. Is there any reason this set-up would not work ? If you are using HOB Filters on a salt-water tank larger than 75 gallons, please post pictures of your set-up, along with your...
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