
  1. leighla wolf

    Hitchhiker ID help please!

    I have these little dudes in quarantine and wasn’t able to pop them off their plugs. These survived their dips and I’d like to know what hitchhikers I’m dealing with as my display tank has none! On the acan hitchhiker one is part of their skeleton. On my encruster, hitchhiker 2 are on bottom...
  2. Taun98

    My first aiptasia

    Noticed this little guy today, possibly one more on my candy cane too(significantly smaller) If so aiptasia x?
  3. Hordearii

    White Worm Looking Things on my Neon Green Cabbage Leather

    Hi all, I'm wondering if you all can help me figure out what pest is on my neon green cabbage leather? They are white and are about 4mm long and 1 to 1.5mm thick. They only seem to be in my cabbage leather and nothing else in the tank as far as I can tell. I did a RODI rinse and it seemed like...
  4. G

    unidentified snail, conch, or what?

    So I got a 30# package of live rock from KP aquatics and along with everything else there is this snail I can't ID. It has a rolled edge to the shell kinda like a conch, but it is covered in fuzz/hair that I don't see on any of the conches. Can anyone ID?