
  1. Aaron Gustafson

    Ball anemone or something more nefarious?

    Recently discovered two of these guys in my tank. Must've come in on a frag (despite dipping) or maybe a snail. Kinda looks like a ball anemone but I can't tell. The two I have are in darker areas and mostly clear with a little color under blues. Tentacles radiate evenly around the mouth plate...
  2. D

    Feather, barnacle or?

    Lately one of our corals has been staying closed and we weren't sure why but with it being closed, today I noticed a feather duster and this thing that kind of looks like a feather duster but is different from any feather duster I have seen! It reacts to movement just like a feather duster...
  3. Mnmbrix

    Hitchhikers Guide to the SeaGalaxy! ID help

    Just noticed some little additions that I hadn’t seen before. Does anyone know what my little hitchhikers are and if they are dangerous? Thought maybe Asterina, not sure what the others are near my mushrooms thanks in advance for any help!
  4. coastalnanoreef

    What is this orange ish worm with strings coming out of it?

    I see these stringy things coming out of the sand all the time. I believe the worm stays under the sand and puts the strings out. I saw it on the glass and tried to take some pictures. Let me know if you can identify this. Thanks
  5. KeiraHachiko

    Hitchhiker on Snail!

    Hey guys! Any ideas what this could be attached to my little snail? Good guy? Bad guy? How to remove if bad? Thanks! Tank contains: 5 snails, 2 occy clowns and a blenny