hitchhiker coral

  1. jacob97

    Whoa this looks different than my feather duster ?

    Hey everyone , thanks for your time I saw this this morning and I wanted some clarification about what animal that would be. Thanks
  2. Petrichor

    Hitchhiker coral or pest (or both)?

    I'm looking for an ID on these little purple buds that appeared on my zoa frag. They survived a coral dip when I first got them, so I wasn't too concerned about them until I found more elsewhere in the tank. I'm thinking they're some sort of clove polyp as I think they have multiple arms, but...
  3. Spinoyonyx

    Whitish Polyps-like things on my reef rock

    I got these Fuzzy white polyp-like inverts that has started to grow on my reef rock They kinda look like hydroids or miniture soft corals Just want to comfirm if they may be anything bad or i should just leave it
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Remove clove polyps for good

    Some clove polyps hitchhiked into my tank somehow. They are isolated to a small are about the size of a half dollar on a movable top rock. I have contulinously removed them by removing the rock and brushing them off with a toothbrush destroying the polyps under running water. I don’t do this in...
  5. Mnmbrix

    Hitchhikers Guide to the SeaGalaxy! ID help

    Just noticed some little additions that I hadn’t seen before. Does anyone know what my little hitchhikers are and if they are dangerous? Thought maybe Asterina, not sure what the others are near my mushrooms thanks in advance for any help!
  6. MantisShrimpMan

    Diploria Labyrinthiformis? Seeking to buy and care advice!

    Diploria Labyrinthiformis, aka grooved brain coral, is one of my absolute favorite corals! Seeing it while diving always puts a smile on my face. I’m setting up a reef tank and if I could have this in my tank, it would absolutely put a smile on my face every day. now to cover the most obvious...
  7. A

    What is this growing on my frogspawn? Possible sea squirt?

    Hello, i just noticed this thing growing on the side of my frogspawn coral. It's soft and the striped mouths close when poked at. After some research, I think it might be a sea squirt but I've never seen one that looks like this so I was hoping someone else could help me identify it. Is it...
  8. G

    Been trying to eliminate whatever is growing between zoas, what is it?!

    Somethings been growing in between and on the plug of my zoa for sometime now, i did a hydrogen dip two weeks ago and that barely seemed to help. Then a coral dip this week and nothing as well. Its almost translucent and looks like very mini tentacles, however it doesn't seem to move. Its grown...
  9. M

    Unknown coral like hitchhiker on frag (not aptasia?)

    Recently bought this guy at a show and it’s in my q tank atm I’m not exactly sure what it is growing on them but the guy was not very forth coming so obviously was a poor choice I just haven’t been able to find out what it is thanks in advance I also can’t tell if it’s aptasia or not cause it...