
  1. M

    New Hipargero 100 watt light thoughts?

    Anyone have this light? I think it’s new and made by the same people that made the 30 watt hipargero A029 light. Wondering if I should upgrade to it from the 30 watt hipargero. Currently have a standard 20 gallon mixed reef tank. Any thoughts or opinions?
  2. P

    Nano Build Possible Nano Nem / QT Build?

    I may or may not have been bit by the saltwater bug... Thinking about setting up a Nano (10-15 Gal) tank of BTA and some clowns. Would be using this as a QT tank for new frags (on a small rack) and keeping and propagating Nems. In the long term is this possible? I would be able to set up the...
  3. B

    White injury on blue tang + dots.. ich, or something else?

    Just recently, one of my blue hippo tangs has seemed to get some sort of injury on his back. I think it may be ich, because of the white dots near his front, but the back injury seems to be something completely different, like someone was fighting him. I think it might be a combination of ich...
  4. sharkbait-uhaha

    lighting question!

    So new to the forum but not so much to the reefing world... but I do have one question... for now, I ended up purchasing the waterbox 10g, now the question is what light to go with.. 3 choices all ranging from budget to expensive(ish) . Is it worth to spend the good chunk of change and get the...