high nitrites

  1. S

    Dr. Tims one and only fishless cycle help

    Hello! I am having some trouble with my tank and I have some questions. This is my first time using Dr. Tims one and only. I have a 24 gallon nano cube, I used CaribSea life rock(I really did not want hitchhikers this time) and CaribSea live sand, along with imagitarium pacific ocean water...
  2. G

    EMERGENCY Reef Tank Emergency

    Hello this is my first post sadly it is an emergency. I have a 6 mo old 15 gallon nano reef tank! This is my first ever reef tank and I did all of the setup and followed instructions from my LFS. I cycled the tank and suring cycling brought in water samples every other day to make sure...
  3. S

    Need help

    I have a cycled 125g tank which has been fighting Ich the past week or so. The water was starting to get cloudy .. so I tested everything was good as far as the numbers ammonia 0 nitrites 0 ph 8.0 and nitrates were at around 5-10... ok fast forward to 3 days ago.. Water getting more cloudy...
  4. Clown Fish Harem Tank

    Added too much ammonia to new Tank.

    New to reefing. Bought a new 32 galon Marine tank. Filled it with live rock, live sand & salt water. Running with pump, two filters & heater. Have a skimmer but its off. Added Stability (1 cap full) for 12 days to build beneficial bacteria. 4 weeks go buy, ammonia, nitrite & nitrate at 0...
  5. Z

    Cycling Problems

    Hello everyone, I recently started cycling a 29 gallon tank with live sand and one and only nitrifying bacteria, along with ammonia chloride drops. I am on day 5 ( I understand this is very very early) and the bacteria are doing a great job bringing down 2ppm of ammonia, the first day it...
  6. R

    High Nitrites Emergency QT Setup

    Hi guys, Due to a sudden ich outbreak, I had to set up a quick QT tank. To jump start the biofilter, I used FritzZyme 9. It's now been 2 weeks since setting up the tank and I've noticed the fish are looking a bit stressed and breathing rapidly. Here's a list of livestock: (1) Two Spot...