high nitrates

  1. Matt Bravo

    Red Ogo macroaglae question

    Hey guys so I’m a little ways into the diatom stage (I got lucky I got a conch and few other snails early that keep my sand clean) But my nitrates are really higher than I’d prefer (40ppm API test kit) they get all the way up to 60 by the weekend and I’m forced to do a 20 and 40% WC in order to...
  2. Kuhn

    Cycling Tank, But High Nitrates

    Hi! I'm new here and I'm also new to the hobby! I just received a used 30 gallon tank as of last week. During the past week I have been cycling my tank as one should do when starting a new saltwater tank. Thing is, my Nitrates are through the roof! I just got my Nitrates Hanna checker a couple...
  3. 8

    Glass dirty after only 24 hours?

    Hello, This is my glass after only 24 hours. I have needed to clean it everyday. You can see where my turbo snails are helping. What can I do to keep the glass clean longer or what is happening here? Fish and coral seem happy. All parameters are in normal range except Nitrates are around...
  4. Pelagikos

    Somebody please what the heck is this?

    Been fighting low phosphates and high nitrates finally got my nitrates from around 100 parts per million to around 25. Keeping my phosphates up by dosing neophos everyday. These things used to disappear when the nitrates were out of control during the night but then would return during the day...
  5. S

    Dr. Tims one and only fishless cycle help

    Hello! I am having some trouble with my tank and I have some questions. This is my first time using Dr. Tims one and only. I have a 24 gallon nano cube, I used CaribSea life rock(I really did not want hitchhikers this time) and CaribSea live sand, along with imagitarium pacific ocean water...
  6. G

    EMERGENCY Reef Tank Emergency

    Hello this is my first post sadly it is an emergency. I have a 6 mo old 15 gallon nano reef tank! This is my first ever reef tank and I did all of the setup and followed instructions from my LFS. I cycled the tank and suring cycling brought in water samples every other day to make sure...
  7. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  8. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  9. A

    Green algea in 13.5 gallon EVO tank need help

    So, I have had this 13.5-gallon saltwater tank kit for a few months now and its never stops having loads of algae in it. I do water changes every week from the water from my local Petco, but I also have my own ROM but it's too cold to use it since I connect it to my hose into my basement. I just...
  10. Dad2Wyatt

    Water changes not lowering nitrates.. what do I do?

    My cycle ended about a week ago and since then I’ve performed 3 10% water changes. Basically every other day and tested parameters the next day. end of cycle: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate 40+ ppm 1st water change: ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrate: 20 ppm 2nd water change: ammonia: 0...
  11. S

    High nitrates post cycle

    Newly setup red sea reefer 170 post cycle and my nitrates are at 100ppm (Salifert kit), decided to do a 70ltr water change over the weekned to help bring it down but it's still at 100ppm this morning. Ammonia is 0ppm and so is Nitrite. Tank has special grade Arg alive sand, recycled reef rock...
  12. dryza

    Cycling Stalled, Please Help! No Ammonia, VERY HIGH Nitrite and Nitrate

    Hi everyone- I'm fairly new to the hobby and have had an Evo 13.5 for about 9-10months and decided it was time for an upgrade. My new tank is a Waterbox 50.3 AIO and I started the fishless cycle about 4 weeks ago (CaribSea Dry Sand & LifeRock). I went the route of Dr. Tim's One and Only...
  13. jfitz78

    High Nitrates (140)

    I have very high nitrate levels (140) for the last 5 year. I have a 90 gallon tank and a 10 gallon sump. I have 60 pounds of live rock I am running Bio pellets with a Reef Octopus skimmer, added MarinePure High Performance Biofilter Media. I do 20% water changes every week with reverse osmosis...
  14. Landenb20

    Hello New saltwater hobbyists

    Nitrates Super High During Cycle? I just started my first saltwater tank one week ago after a few years of freshwater keeping and it’s been quite exciting getting it all set up. I’m not really super old or even out of high school yet so I don’t really have a job so i wanted to make it as...
  15. lazycouch

    refugium stock recommendations?

    Hey everyone, i will soon be making this breeder tank my “hob” refugium and was wondering what i can add to it to make it most effective for its limited space. it is 0.5 gallons and measures 10”L 3.5”W 4”H. i think Chaeto is definitely in the plan (fuge is built primarily for nitrate removal)...
  16. Plecosam

    Cycling RSR 525XL - High Nitrates

    Hi people, I am currently cycling a Redsea Reefer 525XL, I threw a few raw prawns in the tank for a few days until I tested for ammonia and while waiting for Dr Tims ammonia to arrive. I then dosed the tank with ammmonia and Dr Tims Bacteria, I applied three doses of ammonia, dosed to ~4ppm as...
  17. Fer21

    High Nitrates after 50% water change, pls help! ( New Tank)

    Hi, I'm setting up a new tank its 15g, I been cycling since February 16th ( Coming up to week 6), I started by adding a raw shrimp and I let it decompose, it took a bit to build up ammonia after i had build up ammonia I took it out and I started adding Microbacter7 after one week i switch to...
  18. the.introvertebrate

    Nitrate Control - The natural way (Help needed)

    Excuse the long post, I am going to try and give you as much information as I can to help figure out the core of my nitrate problem and how to resolve it. My nitrates are slowly killing my corals I have 3 Trachy's and a bunch of other LPS corals which are slowly starting to show skeletons and...
  19. Clown Fish Harem Tank

    Added too much ammonia to new Tank.

    New to reefing. Bought a new 32 galon Marine tank. Filled it with live rock, live sand & salt water. Running with pump, two filters & heater. Have a skimmer but its off. Added Stability (1 cap full) for 12 days to build beneficial bacteria. 4 weeks go buy, ammonia, nitrite & nitrate at 0...
  20. Z

    Cycling Problems

    Hello everyone, I recently started cycling a 29 gallon tank with live sand and one and only nitrifying bacteria, along with ammonia chloride drops. I am on day 5 ( I understand this is very very early) and the bacteria are doing a great job bringing down 2ppm of ammonia, the first day it...
  21. Fish2019

    Nitrate Levels to High

    I am new to saltwater aquariums. I started my tank a week ago and did a water test yesterday. My nitrate levels are at 20 I have no fish in it yet. I was wondering if this is a problem or if it would even itself out.
  22. ChelseaBidwell

    Ammonia & Nitrate Crisis in QT!

    Hi everyone! Since you guys have been SO helpful in the past, I thought you would be the best people to go to! Btw, sorry the post is so long! I have had a goby/shrimp pair in a 10G QT for almost 2 weeks. From the moment we put fresh RODI water in it (from our RO/DI unit), ammonia has been...
  23. Jimmyneptune

    High nitrates

    I am having an issue with high nitrates in my reef and I am trying to lower them. It was round 100 about 3 weeks ago. I changed my filters and resin on my RODI and have 0 TDS. I did a 30% water change. I also cleared out some old sponges and detritus that was in my sump. That brought my...
  24. damselindistress

    Please Lord not again

    Afternoon reefers... I upgraded my Fluval Evo to a 60 gallon long AIO back in August when we moved to a new house. I battled nutrients and algae (every kind) over the year that the Evo was running, mostly due to the fact I was new to reefing and made ALL of the rookie mistakes, some over and...
  25. Aliasger


    Hi everyone!! We all have read about nitrates, its reduction, toxicity to reef in some ways etc etc. But alot of people have different views for nitrates: 1) Some say, it should be kept less then 10 or 15ppm. 2) Some say below 10-15ppm their reef doesn’t survive. 3) Some say keeping nitrates...