high magnesium

  1. JennyH3

    Magnesium & calcium high help!!

    Hello: 4wks ago I added 3 corals - LPS calcium is 500plus Magnesium 1500 plus here are my water parameters all normal even alkalinity. ive done water changes - is there a way to lower calcium & magnesium?? PH - 7.9 Alkalinity 10dkh 182ppm perfect Calcium 500 Magnesium 1500 NH3 .001 NH4...
  2. dr1271

    High Calcium with All For Reef!

    Established tank, but recently switched from Tropic Marin Balling Method to All for Reef. Change was made about a month ago, and at the time my calcium was around 460ppm. Since dosing the A4R (36ml/day), my calcium just came back from ICP at 547ppm! Mag is at 1417ppm. Alkalinity is stable at...
  3. F

    Excessive Magnesium levels suddenly, after being fairly stable for months.

    Please help identify why my mag levels are rising (from my testing) I suspect faulty salifert kit, but would welcome other ideas. The issue I'm seeing is increasing Mag levels, in the last few weeks my mag has been increasing, until mid July was hovering between 1300-1450 ppm (I'm using...
  4. Austin Lee

    Can't seem to lower Calcium & Mag

    Hi all, I have a 25 lagoon with a couple acans, a hammer, a zoa, a monti, and a ricordea florida. I've been struggling with low alkalinity and high Mag & calcium. I was at WWC the other day and they recommended I use Brightwell 8.3 to raise my alkalinity without raising my calcium. Here are...