high ammonia

  1. G

    EMERGENCY Reef Tank Emergency

    Hello this is my first post sadly it is an emergency. I have a 6 mo old 15 gallon nano reef tank! This is my first ever reef tank and I did all of the setup and followed instructions from my LFS. I cycled the tank and suring cycling brought in water samples every other day to make sure...
  2. Paddlefoot

    Royal Blue Tang Help!

    I just recently added a beautiful Royal Blue Tang to my 20 gallon tank as a friend to my Clown Fish. She’s been fine for the past couple of weeks, but now she’s breathing hard, trying to swim and laying on the bottom. It looks like she has something like a “film” that you could peel off of her...
  3. Hunter90 HD

    Ammonia through the roof! Need Help ASAP!

    Good evening everyone, I need some urgent help, my Ammonia levels are through the roof! I have a mixed reef 120Litre tank consisting of 2 clown fish, 1 yellow wrasse - I feed them twice a day using a mix of Mysis/Marine Mix/Brine Shrimp and only feed what they eat no excess left. I also dose...
  4. F

    Fish dead help

    Need some major help. For the past 6 months ive been struggling with my first marine tank, I keep getting help from these guys at the pet store, but alot of time their advice controdicts themselves. Right now my tank is just some live rock, sand, 2 cleaner crabs and two ocellaris clownfish...
  5. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Ammonia Issue

    So I decided to do a fishless cycle using Dr. Tim’s nitrifying bacteria and ammonia. Unfortunately, like an idiot, I dosed 5x more ammonia than I should have. I’m using an API test kit and my ammonia readings have shown 8ppm (the max for the test kit) for days and I’m getting readings of 5ppm...
  6. S

    Need help

    I have a cycled 125g tank which has been fighting Ich the past week or so. The water was starting to get cloudy .. so I tested everything was good as far as the numbers ammonia 0 nitrites 0 ph 8.0 and nitrates were at around 5-10... ok fast forward to 3 days ago.. Water getting more cloudy...
  7. Clown Fish Harem Tank

    Added too much ammonia to new Tank.

    New to reefing. Bought a new 32 galon Marine tank. Filled it with live rock, live sand & salt water. Running with pump, two filters & heater. Have a skimmer but its off. Added Stability (1 cap full) for 12 days to build beneficial bacteria. 4 weeks go buy, ammonia, nitrite & nitrate at 0...
Reef Breeders