high alk

  1. Muffin87

    How can my alk be this high?

    I've set up a tank, which at the moment only has a couple of clowns and cheato luckily. It's a barebottom with Aquaforest rock. Since it's a new tank with no corals, I've not checked Alk often, only NO3 and PO4. I use RO/DI, which I check regularly, and my instant ocean mixes to 11 dKH, but, I...
  2. G

    Low pH, High Alk and Calcium with Kalkwasser

    Average Parameters & Equipment Temp.......76.5-77.5F Salinity.......1.0255 SG NO3-API.......10-20 ppm range PO4-Hanna.......0.17 ppm pH.......7.50-7.68 observed range Alk-Hanna.......10.6 dKH KH-Salifert.......10.4 dKH Calcium-API.......out-of-range / 580-600ppm (29-30 drops of API reagent 2)...
  3. W

    Redsea coral pro mixing

    Hi I’m new to mixing my own salt water. I use redsea coral pro. I do a 10L water change every week. I follow the recommended 38.2g per litre of RO water, so for my 10L water change I would require 382g. I test salinity around 1.5 hours after adding the salt to find I have a specific gravity of...
  4. R

    How to lower nutrients?

    Hey! This is my first time posting on here and my second time trying to start a reef tank after bombing it the first time back in 2021 it was a total disaster. I started a 13.5g AIO back in july then transferred everything to a 32.5g AIO gradually, which seems to be doing well but after testing...
  5. TwiTch18

    Tank Broke, trying to save the reef!

    So my neighbour's tank broke this morning and he called me to salvage what I could. His tank was probably 55-75 gallons without the sump and had a bunch of coral, a clownfish, and a cowfish. (His hardwood floor was messed up real bad and he's wanted it all gone for a while prior to the leak)...
  6. Neon_reefboi

    EMERGENCY!!! ALK off the scales

    My alk is off the charts high I need to reduce asap. The build is a 45 tall corner with 5 gallon fuge, ceramic reactor in sum with surface skimmer. Here's my "official" stats I recorded earlier. Can't seem to find a clear answer on lowering alk, especially using vinegar. Please please please...
  7. Razorp

    High Alk , should I switch salts?

    I have been an aquarist of sorts for over 10 years now, but didn't dive into the salt side until just over a year ago. Like most people i started small with a bicube16 and probably didnt do enough research here before starting. Long story short, I started with Coral Pro salt mix and never once...
  8. P

    High Alkalinity and low-normal pH

    I have a 65 gallon and it’s been set up for a few months now. I had two clowns, blue sided wrasse, orange spotted goby, Pygmy dwarf angel and some inverts as well as some corals. I did a water change last night and then tested everything because I had an order from WWC coming today. My...
  9. ReefJCB

    HIGH alk - SOS

    So I did a water change and tested my readings this last weekend and noticed my alk consumption had gone up so I increased the timer on my BRS dosing pumps. I did a typo in the APEX programming for the outlet and the dosing pump has been left on for 4.5 hours the last 3 days. My Alk is reading...
  10. Ferrell

    Apex saved my tank...

    First, I Would love to # Terrance and crew to thank them but can’t find them I know we’ve all have gotten alarms on our tanks for something going wrong but this has no alarm, at least none that I have. Jumping right in, I generally test my Alk about every 2-3 days unless I’ve mixed new...
Reef Breeders