
  1. th365thli

    New Flame Angel staying in one spot

    I recently got a dwarf flame from an LFS. It initially explored my 65 gallon but since then has been staying in a specific "cave". It might venture out a little bit but otherwise just kinda hangs there. It also isn't really eating. I don't see spots or anything and the lfs copper treats it's...
  2. C

    Haven’t seen new diamond goby since I added it 3 days ago. At what point should I be worried?

    About 3 days ago I added a diamond goby to my tank. I don’t have much experience with them myself but from what I can gather it seems like it’s not unusual to not see them for a while after they are added to a tank. My question is at what point should I be concerned? I think I know what rock...
  3. Diveks

    1 year old majestic angel started hiding?

    Hello so my majestic angel started hiding after being in the tank for awhile. Nothing new was added to the tank. I think i got him in the DT around 6 months ago? At december i thought he died but i found him under the rocks. This guy used to own the middle part of the tank and is now just...
  4. BRADventure89

    Dottyback blues?

    Hello everyone, I’m fairly new to the hobby and I have a dottyback I got a few weeks ago from my LFS that isn’t looking so good. He was fairly active and even a little aggressive at first but has started eating less and hiding significantly more during the day. He does seem to scrape his side...
  5. S

    New anemone has foot planted in cave but peaks out during the day. Is it still adjusting?

    So at the end of February I purchased a green BTA for my clownfish. Tank is a year old. Acclimated the green BTA properly and I placed it in the tank. It immediately made its way into my rockwork and placed itself on the ceiling of one of my caves. I knew it would probably do this and let it...
  6. J

    Opposite Anthia?

    Hello, I purchased a dispar anthia a week ago and it has been shy hiding in the rock work a lot. The only time it comes out is if I turn off all flow in the tank. I thought anthias loved flow yet if I turn the pumps on even to 25% he goes back into the rocks. Anyone seen this before? Yes the...
  7. T

    Bubble tip nem

    I have a green bubble tip nem that went straight to a low flow , shaded area of my tank, f time keeping a nem , running an AI prime with lowered saxby, it shrinks down atleast twice a day to the point I can’t see it pressed under that rock, then it just expands and let’s it all hang out , I...
  8. Selyk


    Hello all I got a firefish 3 days ago he was out for a bit ate for 1 day and has been hiding since is this normal Water parameters 1.025 salinity 8.1 ph 420 cal 1350 mag 5ppm nitrate 0 ammonia 0 nitrite Have 2 clown in the same tank doing good
  9. J

    Bangi cardinal staying in corner

    Bangi cardinal sitting in corner 2 days ago I picked up a bangi cardinal from my lfs, I put him in the tank and all it does is sit in the corner all the time, I’ve tried feeding it frozen brine shrimp, the first 2 times it ate like 2 then swam away, but today he looked at it, then just looked...
  10. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Yellow Tang Hiding

    I put this in the newbie section since it's probably a stupid newbie question. I just finished my QT period. Matched salinity and temperature of the QT to my DT, and added my yellow tang directly in. He looked a bit distressed upon entry to the DT and has no gone into hiding in the rocks. Is...
  11. Haleyscales00167

    BTA Hiding

    I have had my green BTA for about a week and a half. He was out for a couple of days but then decided to move and moved up under my live rock to where I can barely see him. He has been there for about a week. Is there anything I can do to encourage him to move or should I just wait it out and...
  12. Dcole12

    Coral Beauty

    Hi, I just picked up a coral beauty the other day and I know they do like to hide, but I put him into my tank and there is this one cave that I have and it has yet to leave that area. I have had them for a couple of days now. Any suggestions or thoughts? I can post pictures if needed!
  13. Perpetual Novice

    Wrasse aggression help needed

    I have a tank with two resident female leopard wrasses. I recently added an ornate leopard wrasse (a different species than the ones I have) and a yellow coris wrasse to my tank at the same time. The yellow wrasse adjusted well and the established wrasses accepted it without a second thought...
  14. Nate_Krohn

    Skunk cleaner shrimp

    My cleaner shrimp has been hiding for the past week or so. I can see him under a rock and he’s living but his antennas are pretty much gone. I’ve been spot feeding him to make sure he eats and he does. Any ideas?
  15. CmbFish

    Hiding fish

    Hello everyone, I had a yellow tank that I’m positive bullied my Swallowtail Angel. I had sand formations that I think were consistent with the tang slapping against the swallowtail. I also caught him a few times brush up against him. During that time the Angel went into hiding I gave the...
  16. R

    Hippo tang scared of me

    I have a juvenile hippo tang in a tank with 4 clowns and a yellow tang. When I first got him he used to swim around with all the other fish... then mysteriously half of my fish population died off. Since then he hides anytime I get near the tank. Whenever I initially walk in the room he’ll be...
  17. R

    Melanuras MIA

    I have a fairly new 120 gallon FOWLR. I had recently (2weeks ago) transferred a 90 gallon into the new 120. I used new live sand and added additional live rock. Total live rock: 100 pounds. I’ve been monitoring the water closely and have seen no anomalies. I brought a Melanuras home from my...
  18. Reef Dog 29

    Blenny Question

    Hi everybody, I have a Tailspot blenny in my 29gal biocube with a Clarkii CF, Lemon peel Angel, and a newly added Flame Hawkfish. Before I added the hawkfish, everyone in the tank was fine and very visible. Ever since the addition of the hawkfish, I have not seen the blenny out in the open and...
  19. Mwag

    Royal Gramma Stressed out????

    Hello all, yesterday I naught a Royal Gramma from my LFS. I floated him for 15 mins and every 4 mins I put half a cup of water from my qt tank into the bag. By this time, the Royal Gramma was significantly stressed darting back and forth in the bag but he settled down. I added him to qt tank and...
  20. Mariners

    Missing firefish

    hi everyone, During my trip (4 days), my tank sitter took off my lid for for a few min and in that time my firefish decided to jump out onto the carpet. After a min, tank sitter realized the prob and dumped him back in was lying upside down for a few min while still breathing (sitter nvr took...
  21. Jizu Puentes

    "Sleeping" Fish Pics

    I captured this photo of one of my yellow staghorn damsels trying to blend in between my nepthea and rock last night. Any of you have neat pictures of your fish "sleeping"?
  22. Slyler

    Shy Fish

    Looking for a little help with my shy fish. I had them set up in a 72 gallon and the they would come out to meet me all the time. My Blue tang would follow me up and down the tank. If I took my phone out for pictures he would try and get in the way and always wanted his picture taken. The...