hich hiker

  1. Marksmen_09

    Type of mushroom i believe?

    Hey guys this guy was a hitchhiker on one of my feather dusters. It appears to be a type of mushroom but I'm not entirely sure. It was attached to a very small pebble so i glued it to a frag rock. Base color is a blue-ishbrown with green tips. Any info will be appreciated, Thanks
  2. H

    Crab ID

    Anyone ID this hitchhiker crab?
  3. Meara

    First Hitchhiker

    Hello My aquarium is only about 6 months old and while I’ll admit I have a very simple set up it has been going fantastic. I mostly did the rockscape out of dry rock too keep the price down but I did put a little live rock in the tank (one piece) and a little in the refugium. I didn’t think I...
  4. Carebearsss.x

    Please help identify. I'm thinking it may be some kind of slug?

    Please help me identify. I'm very new with this. Thinking it could be a sea slug