
  1. Idaknow15

    Missing Blue Leg Hermit

    Hi there, I have had a blue leg hermit for about 3 months in which time he vanished, moulted and reappeared. This morning I have discovered that his shell is empty and he does not seem to be occupying any of the other shells that I had put in the tank for him to be able to move into. He is...
  2. W

    What Hermit Crab is this?

    Hi there, Long time stalker, first time poster here. Got a couple of turbo snails for my 55g reef to help with a new but currently small algae outbreak and it turns out one of the snails from my LFS was in fact a sneaky crab. I can't ID it properly but can anyone help and confirm if he's a...
  3. librarylandlisa

    Everyone is molting?

    3 crustaceans out of the 7 I have in my 60 gallon FOWLR tank molted today. It’s possible that others did and I didn’t see the exoskeletons. Is this cause for alarm???
  4. oceans garden aquaculture

    Livestock Big boy clean up crew special.

  5. Sharir

    The ultimate invert show off thread

    Hey guys, recently I have been looking at different types of "critters" to keep in my reef tank and I wanted to see what the reef2reef community mambers are keeping. I was wondering what strange inverts you guys have in your reef tanks that do not get much recognition(from the reefing community)...
  6. lazycouch

    how many clean up crew members can i add at once?

    hey guys i was just thinking about upgrading my clean up crew soon. i currently have 2 small hermits and 1 large cleaner shrimp (30 gallon tank about 20 lbs live rock). I was wondering if it'd be cool to add 1 more small hermit and 2 small nassarius snails at the same time? if no, why not? just...
  7. F

    Some... thing, on the wing (of my hermit crab)

    Hello! I've been reading this forum for a while now, and am new to the hobby (well, new to salt and reef tanks... been running simple freshwater tanks for most of my life.) I've been slowly building my Display Tank for a few months now, and just added in a CUC from reefcleaners today. I...
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