herbie overflow

  1. Muffin87

    Plumbing valves horizontally?

    There's two valves I'd like to plumb horizontally. Can I achieve full syphon with a gate valve on a Herbie main drain, if the gate valve is plumbed horizontally? Will a Y-style check valve (pictured) still work properly, if plumbed horizontally? I believe this is also called a Wye Check Valve...
  2. J

    Herbie Plumbing

    I am in the process of setting up a new 125g display tank with a three drain Herbie overflow from Modular Marine. I have my primary drain flowing to my fleece roller and the emergency drain dropping directly into my pump chamber with and air gap so I will hear audible splashing and see bubbles...
  3. H

    Herbie Overflow water level fluctuating

    I'm in the process of setting up my first saltwater tank. It's a 60 Gal cube with a custom 20G High as a sump. I'm finally at the stage of leak testing my plumbing. However, I can't get it to maintain a consistent water level in the overflow box. I'm using a Herbie overflow and can't seem to...
  4. aaliotti1

    3/4" drain enough for 120 gallon tank?

    I'm setting up a used 120 g tank with a single corner overflow. The overflow has two drilled holes (1" and 3/4"), I'm converting it to a herbie style drain and running an over the top return. My question is, will the 3/4" drain and 1" emergency drain be enough flow for the 120 gallon tank? I...
  5. E

    Herbie method LOUD

    So I purchased the h2overflow and stealth box and finally got it set up using the herbie method with a small trickle of water going into the emergency overflow, I do not know what the issue is but it is pretty loud I got the tornado effect on my main line I think that’s causing the issue but I...
  6. Reefacist

    After months of research need HELP setting up my first 120 gallon saltwater tank

    Hi You ALL, I have been reading, watching youtube vids, reading more, watching more videos, day and night, home and at work. Pretty much the last 3 months i have been all about saltwater fish tanks. At first i was looking at buying a 50 gallon tank bc i read that its the best beginner tank...
  7. C

    Herbie Overflow getting split and going into 2 filter socks or E-valve into one sock and overflow into another?

    So here is the thing I am currently new and plumbing my first tank. I am doing a Herbie overflow because that seems to be what fits on a tank that has 2 bulkheads. Essentially I have a sump with 2 filter socks and outlets to get plumbed to those filter socks. What I am trying to do is maximize...
  8. BeaverLakeAndy

    To trickle or not to trickle?

    If you use a Herbie drain system in your overflow do trickle into the emergency standpipe or keep it dry? Why? I've read a lot of stuff that says to keep a slight trickle going down the emergency standpipe, but don't let it create a siphon. I'm trying to understand why we would even bother to...
  9. PedroYoung

    Dual Herbie on 180G, what size drains should I use?

    I have a dual corner overflow, with a pair of 1" bulkheads in each overflow. I'm using an Abyzz A200 for return from my basement sump. My plan is to have relatively low turnover, 5ish X my 210G system volume. I read on GMAC reefs writeup on dual corner overflows that because of the capacity...
  10. BrandonP

    Herbie Overflow with Flow Sensors?

    Alright so I need everyones' opinion here. I have a 120 gallon tank. I believe it is an Aqueon. It has two overflow boxes with the undersized holes drilled for 1 inch ABS bulkheads ;Rage. Currently I am running a single durso in each overflow box. I am building a new sump and when I install...
  11. BrandonP

    Plumbing Question

    I have been running a 120 gallon reef-ready reef tank for the past 6 years. For all of this time I have been running with the drain kit that can be bought in addition to the tank. I have switched up the plumbing underneath the tank multiple times but it has always been one durso in each...
  12. R

    quite tank with no drilling idea

    Guys, I need an experts advice on the method I am planning to do on my future tank for overflow. I am a newbie and need guidance: I am planning to go with herbie method, I have a tank that I dont want to drill, I am planning to have a tube going from main tank (placed high) to the sump with...
  13. MarineDepot

    Diagrams: Durso, Herbie and Bean Overflows

    Infographics: Durso, Herbie and Bean Overflows Learn how common aquarium overflows work!
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