
  1. OneMerissa

    Fishless cycle can not get Nitrite or Nitrate down!

    Hey all, I think I have read all on R2R regarding the fishless cycle but nothing I see that hits the nail on the head with my issue. I did Dr. Tims' one and only fishless cycle. Here's where I'm at: - Followed the directions to a Tee. I have a 32 gl LED Biocube. I used RODI water and Instant...
  2. M

    O-fish-ally reefing newbie - help

    Just got into the reefing game. I've been working with freshwater tanks for a while now and just started looking into doing salt water reefs. I'm really just looking for someone who is more used to this kind of thing to chat with and get some pointers in the right direction. - MOD
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand