
  1. DrLazyReef

    Build Thread 110G build from India, wishful thinking ..

    Namaste y'all, Sammy here from Eastern india. I am having another foray into reefing after a long while. I was 16 when I started my first setup, I am 27 now. I had a 3 feet, 70 gal setup with mostly Lps, a huge sebae anemone, few tridacna clams, tubastrea and nps gorgs, and few acros too, with...
  2. Drew_E36

    California CSB Anemone FS

    Colorado Sun Burst Anemone For Sale Lineage back to Coral Collection 3-4 in fully expanded need money to pay rent honestly just finished school and I don’t think I need to keep something so expensive $750 OBO takes it If you want more pictures just ask
Cultivated Reef