help zoas

  1. M

    What’s wrong with my zoas

    I’ve been watching my zoas for a couple of days now and these are the first two coral I put into my tank and I just saw this they are closed right now and I’m not sure if this is normal for them but to me it doesn’t not look normal could someone help me out!
  2. lazycouch

    angry zoas??

    hey everyone i’m new here and new to the hobby. i just purchased 3 zoa frags about 2 days ago and realized there was some bubble algae that hitchhiked around the stalks. today, i decided to pluck them off outside of my tank (without having them pop of course) but after doing more reading on...
  3. TurmanLucas

    Something is up with my zoa

    I’ve had him for over 6 months but last week the Zoa’s started closing and staying closed or dying not sure but I hope he isn’t dying. But this has been spreading from just two zoas to now what’s shown in the photo and I’m not sure what to do or what’s wrong I’m looking for pests but I don’t see...
  4. HELP! My zoanthids aren’t doing well!

    HELP! My zoanthids aren’t doing well!

    I bought zoanthids from the petstore, and they were doing okay but suddenly stopped. All my aquarium levels are normal, with nitrite running slightly high. I just turned on the current this morning to help, but my zoanthids won’t open all the way, and they’re growing algae, what should I do to help