help identify

  1. B

    Need help with ID nuisance algae cyano or Dino?

    Last two weeks my take has been taken over by this ugly stuff and I’m not positive what it is and I do not want to take action if it is the wrong ID and course of action. If anyone could help me figure it out I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  2. Deep Dive Aquatics

    Please help identify this creature

    I thought I was removing a bristle worm but when I saw these tentacles I was surprised and pretty grossed out. Hopefully I didn't leave half of this thing in my tank when trying to remove it. Sorry for shaky footage.
  3. SkoolingMinnow

    Interesting unknown snail?

    I found this in my tank a couple days ago. I have been searching for an ID on it since but am still at square one. Any help pointing me in the right direction, or anyone who knows whether it is safe to keep in display would be greatly appreciated. I thought one of my kids dropped a marble in the...
  4. M

    Help identify this pest

    Hi. I've noticed a few of these pests (I assume) on my live rock. Does anybody know what they are and if I should remove them? Thank you!
  5. little_soldier8

    Help ID? Looks awesome

    Does anyone know what this coral is? I bought this at my local lFS today and the owner didn’t know what it was as well. I was thinking maybe a favia or chalice of some sort, but not sure.looks awesome though (pretty big)
  6. B

    Need help to identify branching macro algae

    Hello… Need some help… Can someone please help identify what macroalgae this is and what eats it? I have tried everything from sea hairs, two Texido urchins and emerald crabs… To no avail.
  7. C

    EMERGENCY What kind of sponge is this?

    So I thought this was hard but it turns out it’s not not hard so i’m guessing sponge? What kind is this??? It just started growing in my tank randomly and I have no idea what it is
  8. LAreefdude

    Guys I need help identifying what this is on my torches frag.

    last night I found something strange on my torches plug. It’s been in quarantine for 3 weeks. I turned on my flash light to look at the tank to see if they’re were any critters or hitchhikers in the tank. I saw redish pinkish mucus substance just blobbed next to the corals base. Is this poop? Or...
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