help id

  1. Saskdevil

    I saw this thing at night under my Rhodactis

    Does anyone know what this thing is? Should I be worried?
  2. S

    Please help me with ID

    Hi I got frag but I don't know what is it. Thanks

    Fire worm or bristle?

    Hi Found a few of these on a new frag….. bristle or fire work? And should I throw them back in? Cheers
  4. Timich

    Clam growing? ID? Pretty blue unique

    Found this tiny blueish pinkish(I think, colorblind lolz) clam under my zoas. Which I also believe host a peanut worm(3rd pic). Not sure how long the clam 's been there but I don't understand how my tank even has a clam growing lol. Anyone know ID of this clam? I'm still trying to find it...
  5. Timich

    Please help with worm ID. Unique too

    Found 2 of these in my tank. Caught one. Haven't ever seen anything like it before or find anything online since finding it in my tank. Moves like a snake or eel. Redish color with white spots. Anyone have a clue what it could be? Please help. Thanks in advance
  6. Holmzie123

    Need help identifying

    Hi, I added this zoa from wwc a month ago and it has these weird dandelion like things on them. They survived a dipping and I'm not sure what to do. The zoas with them on them don't open so I should clearly do something. Identifying it first seems like a logical first step, anyone have any ideas?
  7. Shanel

    My jack-o-lantern being eaten by bugs

    I cut this jack-o-lantern in half 5 days ago. Now it looks like it's being eaten by some bugs. What I'm unsure if is the bugs are killing it or are they just eating the dying flesh. Any help is greatly Appreciated.
  8. jackalexander

    New Critter ID

    By best guess is a baby flat worm based on images that I’ve seen from other people. Maybe a pod? if not, it’s my best excuse to pull the trigger and get a melanurus.
  9. Jax352

    Found in Phytoplankton Culture Help?

    Was Harvesting Phytoplankton Culture found these no idea looks like a bunch of little copepods along with the critters about .25'' with a bunch of legs. Some looks like they a sack attached like babys? Maybe Large Brine shrimp with a bunch of babies?
  10. Sajacobs

    Can get this gone!

    Hi all, My tank is now 6 months and was running perfectly, my numbers Alk 8.6 Calcium 490 Mag 1400 Ammonia 0 No2 0 No3 7 Ph 8.1 Salinity 35 Phosphate 0.07 So I'm happy with the stability..... All was well but then this appeared and I dont know why and I don't know what and I don't know how to...
  11. nbaker47

    Identify please

    One last question. I had a couple of things growing on my euphyllia coral stems. Also some fishing line sized worm looking pests on my live rock that I took a polyp off of. Are these pests to be worried about? Thoughts? I really need some input, thanks!
  12. Sarabeth3412

    Need help identifying red spots on torch

    Hi! Can anyone help me identify the red spot on the skeleton of my torch coral? They’re hard and won’t scrape off with my fingernail. We dipped the coral and it won’t come off either. Any help would be appreciated. It’s nowhere else within the tank and/or on other corals. Hoping it’s...
  13. D. Torres

    Help woth ID

    Please watch the whole video. I tried to the best of my ability to capture whatever this is. There's about a dozen that I can see on my glass. Coral all seem fine. I only have several zoa frags, 6 rock flower nems, 1 BTA, 2 acan frags. Can someone help ID and let me know if I should be concerned.
  14. Khoi_La

    Help! Pods or flatworm ID

    Just like the tittle said i saw a bunch of these lil caterpillar pocket like thing across my liferock and its on my hob skimmer too, im not too sure if its flatworm or pods reproducing in tank (because ive seen a pod like creature crawling out of those caterpillar pocket). I can only take a...
  15. Carebearsss.x

    Sand Tube Worms?

    Hello everyone! SO, the rock in my tank has these spikey like tube things sticking out EVERYWHERE?! From the research that Ive done so far, it seems like they could be Spaghetti Worms, but ive never seen anything come out of them! Or, they could be Sand Tube Worms BUT I just dont understand...
  16. Jmilt444

    White bugs on glass

    Should I be concerned?
  17. jackalexander

    Damsel ID

    I got this damselfish from my LFS a week ago for $15 but they didn’t say what kind it was. Just curious about the species and good tank mates, I would like to have a pair of clowns and wrasse with him but I know damselfish are pretty aggressive. & Yes I know he has a case of ich. I’ve been...
  18. Carebearsss.x

    Mantis Shrimp??!

    Hi guys! I just found this molt in my tank && it kinda looks like a mantis shrimp??? I'm not 100% sure though !
  19. Reefing_addiction

    Can you ID this

    Saw it in a video and screen shot it What is it Are they hard to keep?
  20. Reefing_addiction

    I’m slightly forgetful please help

    So I recently purchased 3 corals but my brain refuses to let me remember what they are. I should have written it down before I left my LFS guess I was to excited! Please help! I’m pretty sure the one to the far right is a Zoa. The first pic will be of all three together and then I’ll crop them...
  21. Ancarol2421

    Whats this on my hammer coral?

    Hello everyone, I purchased a 2 headed hammer coral yesterday from LFS. Did my normal procedure; cut off most of the plug, glued on new rock, dipped with Coral RX and it’s now In my QT for observation before it goes into my main tank. Noticed these little polyp looking things, help with ID...
  22. Imnotjakeyv

    Help identifying something on my clownfish.

    I’m relatively new to marine aquarium keeping I’ve had freshwater in my household my entire life growing up but this is my first salt tank and my first to keep by myself. I had been given an “established” tank from my neighbor who had to move and couldn’t keep the tank. After doing weeks and...
  23. Carebearsss.x


    Hello! Kinda new with the hobby and I’ve found these “Bubble” like things in my tank! Any idea what they might be??
  24. S

    Coral ID Please

    Hello, I bought these corals awhile ago. I believe the green one is a chalice and the orange/purple is an Acan E, but I just want to be totally sure. The green one has grown since I bought it but the orange one seems to grow much slower. Any advice is appreciated, and sorry for bad picture...
  25. Carebearsss.x

    Please help identify. I'm thinking it may be some kind of slug?

    Please help me identify. I'm very new with this. Thinking it could be a sea slug