help fish

  1. Lemons

    Now you see it... now you dont? (Flukes????)

    howdy folks, friendly neighborhood panic specialist... Anyways i was looking at my anthias a week or so ago and i noticed two of them have semi cloudy eyes only in the blue spectrum (see pictures below!) they've been acting normal, eating normal, so i'm wondering what gives???? anyways i...
  2. D

    Is my tank overstocked? Please help!

    Hey everyone! So, about 4 months ago I set up a Red Sea 20g Max Nano. It’s been an awesome tank but my concern is that it might be overstocked. I know 4-5 is typically the max on fish but if they are juvenile you can possibly get away with more. I know opinions vary on that. Anyways I currently...
  3. N

    Help w/ Yellow Watchman

    Hi Everyone - I purchased a YMG a few weeks back and he went missing shortly after placing into my DT. I assumed the worst. Surprisingly today, I was cleaning out some Chaeto in my sump and found him alive. Not sure how it survived the overflow, drain pipes, and filter sock chamber... I...
  4. Reefer_93

    Help!!! Please!!

    Hello! I currently have a powder blue tang in a 20g Long QT. I bought him from petco and for the first 3 days he looked great, beautiful color and everything. I then noticed slight twitching and scratching against the pvc in the tank. With that being said i decided to start treatment with Ruby...
  5. Ennvi

    please help! sudden fish issue

    this guy was fine, but i couldn't sleep so i got up to check out the tank and now he looks like he's a goner. saw him just floating around the tank, maybe trying to swim a little but not really. scooped him and he mostly just lays upside down and breathes really hard, but sometimes freaks out...
  6. Sakosreef

    EMERGENCY Katherines wrasse white stringy poop/ lethargic/ no appetite/ discolored

    Hi everyone I have an emergency, little back story on my wrasse, have had him for over a year, I removed my fish from my tank to fallow and I’ve had them in qt for months, they’ve been through prazi and copper, currently sitting in 2.2 copper power. I’ve got 6 fish in a 75 gal qt tank and I...
  7. Carebearsss.x

    Fairy new to Saltwater, setting up 75gallon

    Hello everyone!!! How’s your quarantine going??? My names Caroline & my boyfriend and I are setting up a 75Gallon tank. We were wondering if there are any kind of Tang that we could put in the 75? I know that most of them require 100+Gallons .. but I really want one!! Also any other...
  8. Jjd531

    Can striped fang blenny kill fish?

    Hello I am planning on adding a new fish to my 20 gallon tall tank and this is a bit of a struggle because I have a dottyback I need something that's a good size and HARDY, I'm looking at fang blennies but heard they have poison fangs so im wondering if they'll kill a dottyback or anything for...