help clownfish

  1. F

    EMERGENCY Clownfish has a few white spots

    I know this is probably one of the most common questions, but I have been digging the interent for hours, eyes are strained and I can't figure it out. My clownfish has a few white spots and patches on one side of her body. None on fins. She's been breathing fast since yesterday and sitting...
  2. X

    EMERGENCY Sik Clownfish?

    Hi! My clownfish has been acting a bit weird he is just parking in one corner of the tank, time to time, he swims to the bottom or the top of the tank in that same corner, he is eating well, and he is not having any trouble breathing, does not have any visible ich or velvet. But I don't know I...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Single torch head unhappy

    Any ideas why this single torch head would be mad? It’s been in my tank over a year. All one colony, 9-10 heads. All grew out of a single original head.
  4. anabechara

    Is my clownfish okay? Please help!

    Hello all! We brought our 2 clown fish home yesterday. I have tested my water and everything is okay. The temp is between 78 and 79.5F. One of them is swimming at the top today like if she was trying to breathe. She does not seem to be gasping and when she actually goes to the bottom briefly she...
  5. 1

    New Reef Help

    I got a 20 gallon tank two weeks ago with pink figi sand and live rock I tested 2 days later and my ammonea was at .5 a few days went on at .5 and around a week my ammonea dropped to 0 and nitrites were at .25 and nitrates at 5, Iv been putting in frozen mysis everother day and at around a...
  6. C

    Opinions Needed! Lightening Maroon Clownfish Tankmates

    Hey Reefers! Over the weekend my LFS had a customer appreciation event where a few different pairs of fish, assorted gear and in-store credit were given away. I happened to win a set of Lightening Maroon Clownfish. I have an empty but cycling 65 gallon tank that they will be going in. They are...
  7. A

    Algae takeover in my 13.5 gallon clownfish tank need help

    My clownfish tank since day one has been overrun by green algae all over the glass even after water changes for months and less feeding it comes back within days i need help to what i can do to stop it. Ph-8.2 Nitrate-20 Nitrite-0 Ammonia-0 Salinty-0 Fish stock- pair of clowns, cleaner shrimp, 4...
  8. The Fry

    Complete Beginner To Saltwater

    Hey im looking forward to getting a saltwater tank! I want to get a 10 gallon as i dont want to go big and potentially lose everything as i have no experience with saltwater at all. These are the questions i really need answered along with this please also share ur thoughts and advice for a...
  9. Mulkxican

    Clown fish now beating up the other?! 6month pair

    Prior owner had this clown fish pair for 6 months and I have had now for little over a month with no issues now one is seemingly beating up the other and can see fin damage. I assume I can't do much but try and separate them?? I have video but says it's too large not sure how to go about posting.
  10. A

    EMERGENCY Brooklynella?

    I got my clown about 3 days ago, and he’s currently in 2.0 ppm copper power and have also dosed general cure. He was still refusing to eat so I checked for flukes with a freshwater dip, and it looks like there is mucus on his fins. I’m not sure if this is brook so can the experts help out...
  11. U

    EMERGENCY Ammonia test kit

    Hello everyone, at the moment my two ammonia tests kit are stressing me out. In the picture below my test kits are reading different outcomes. One brand is Fluval aquatics and the other is API ammonia test kit
  12. djm

    Clownfish acting strange

    Hi all, I’ve had my ocellaris for almost 3 months, all has been going well but today his behaviour has been very strange. His mouth has been moving rapidly and he almost seems in a daze. All morning he has been hiding under part of my rock work and has only ventured out this evening. He’s not...
  13. S

    Clown Fish maybe dead?

    I'm at work and cant continue to investigate, so looking for any advice when I finish. In my 32.5g fluval, I have 1 wrasse and 2 clowns, all young. They've been in there for 14 days, and are its first inhabitants other then inverts. The tank was fully cycled before they were added. Last night...
  14. Gonj

    New to hobby I think Clown fish has ich??

    So I just started my tank coming up on the 2nd week, FOWLR my test come back in normal parameters, temp and salinity have been kept stable. It’s a 37 gallon that holds 2 clownfish at the moment one of which appears to have signs of ich. LFS said best treatment would be to let it ride it out not...
  15. DJTJ

    EMERGENCY Mouth Rot in Clownfish?

    My clownfish of 10 years is having a serious mouth infection/rot and I don’t know what to do. I had dosed ruby reef in the tank for four days but nothing seems to have changed. I plan on using an external 2.5 gallon tank just for kanaplex, but would this be an effective method at slowing the slough?
  16. HawaiiTanks808

    Clownfish help

    One of my clownfish is laying on the sand in the corner of the tank, he isn't gasping or breathing fast and he moves his fins but normal nothing abnormal. His other half of the pair comes over and swims by him for a bit every few minutes. Is he okay, is this normal or is there something wrong...
  17. E

    Help! neglected clownfish

    I've never really posted on a forum before but I really hope this gets out because I have no clue what to do. there is a pet store in my hometown that isn't very good so I don't go there often but I went the other day and they have a saltwater display tank. half the water in this tank is...
  18. A

    EMERGENCY ClownFish White Face

    Hey Guys, last Wednesday I noticed my Clown was being severely attacked by the other one (which is actually a little smaller). It got to the point where the one being attacked was trying to jump out of the tank. I noticed that it’s fins were ripped up and had a sore red dot under its mouth and...
  19. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Fighting

    Recently I added in two more fish into my tank, so all up I have: 2 x Clowns, 2 x four striped Damsels (1 new), 1 x Azure Damsel, 1 FoxFace Lo and a Blue Tang (new). Yesterday I noticed my slightly smaller clown attacking my bigger one all day and night and all morning now. It’s been chasing it...
  20. Cfellini91

    HELP! Introduced a Platinum into tank with black clown. Black clown is not happy! WHAT DO I DO?!

    I traded some frags to my LFS and used the credit to get a new fish. (Currently I have a 6-Line wrasse, coral beauty angel and a black clown in 30g tank). I picked up a platinum clown. I asked the guy how he think she'd do with my black clown I have had for a year and he said as long as the...
  21. A

    EMERGENCY Wavemaker too strong for Clowns?

    So I’ve just bought two clowns and popped them into my newly cycled tank. I noticed as soon as I put them in there they were swimming against the current and look like they are struggling a little. I’ve tried moving my wave maker around but I’m not able to fix it right or to lower it. Clowns...
  22. G

    Clownfish swimming head up

    Hi, after two weeks of cycling and having normal water parameters I added to clownfish (drop method). They were swimming near a rock at the bottom of the tank yesterday. This morning they are swimming head up near a corner. Is this normal clown behaviour? New to saltwater tanks. :(
  23. AshenEmberose

    Beginner Needs Help

    Intro to my Setup So I’ve been researching this hobby for months, and I’ve decided to start cycling my quarantine tank first as a mini test before I fill up my 100 gallon aquarium. It’s a 10 gallon tank with a hang on the back filter that came with a piece of a black sponge type sheet that I’ve...
  24. That1guy07

    Clownfish staying on the bottom for months but is healthy kinda... HELP

    So I have had an ocellaris clownfish (1 1/2") for about 4 months now. He has been in my 45 gallon reef with my true perculla clownfish (Black onyx Picasso) female (2 1/4"). When I first introduced him, they had a bit of bickering but then quickly paired up. They were paired for about the first 3...
  25. M3d1C


    My mom just showed up a few hours ago with 2 snowflake clownfish and what looks like a zoa coral for my tank as a gift. The problem with this is my tank is only a week old and not cycled yet! I have the fish and coral in their bags floating in the tank so they don't get cold but I just tested...