help ammonia spike

  1. N

    EMERGENCY Corals not opening then melting. Found dead emerald crab in sump

    Corals closed for a couple of days then started melting today. Found an emerald crab that I put in the refugium to get rid of hair algae and it was dead decomposing. I did a 50% water change. Do you guys think it was an ammonia spike or something else and do you think the corals will recover?
  2. N

    Corals closed for a couple of days then started melting

    my corals closed up one day and would barely open for the next two. I figured it was nothing and then just left it. Today I noticed white spots all over my frogspawn and my gorgonian was melting. A couple weeks ago I put an emerald crab in my sump to help get rid of the green hair algae. This...
  3. Munkiful

    Is 0.8ppm ammonia waterchange worthy ATM?

    Hi all,my tank reached the end of its cycle give or take a month/month 1/2 ago. I've since added 2 clowns, and a snowflake eel. I've gone though a 40% water change 3 days ago due to a alkalinity issue I wasn't aware of. Used RODI water to complete the change. Anyways, I'm leaving on a 5 day...
  4. darkwaterperformance

    Coraline algae die off!! Help?

    Hello, I need some answers please. I setup a fluval 13.5 evo with live rock live sand and a bottle of dr Tim’s 5 weeks ago but I think I left the live rock in the open air for too long while setting up aqua scape and had some coraline algae die off chipping off and floating. My question is, does...
  5. S

    Ammonia reading of 0.8ppm in already cycled tank

    I've cycled my tank months ago using bottled ammonia and dr.tims one and only and have since added coral with 1 Astraea Snail. Not sure why, but I just decided to test for ammonia while doing all the other tests and it returned a reading of 0.8ppm. Everything looks fine though, coral look...
  6. J

    Detected ammonia in established tank

    Hello, I have a 100g tank with a 34g sump. I've had it going since October 2020. Recently, I've added a new dry rock and 2 media bricks. I haven't tested ammonia in a long time. The red sea kit I have, I purchased in July of 2020. I just tested ammonia because a firefish I have, I haven't...
  7. adamlodge14


    My new tank (15 gallons) is about 2 1/2 months old with a Yasha goby/ shrimp pair and a cleaner shrimp with some soft corals. I finished the cycle about 4 weeks ago but have had a spike of ammonia going to 0.55 I am going to do an immediate 20% water change and add more beneficial bacteria...
  8. BurtMacklin

    Greater than 8ppm ammonia new tank

    Hi everyone. New reefer here. First of all thank you to this amazing community. I custom drilled a 65 gallon tank to install a Modular Marine overflow and built my own sump, largely based on advice from this forum and BRS. Just ran into a problem after filling the tank and starting the cycle. I...
  9. Bwgrohs

    Hello HELP!!! NH3 raising!

    I need help! My ammonia Level Is high, sitting at 0.090, and raising. I have it on SENEYE and it was changed yesterday. I started with water changes (about a gallon every 12hrs, AWC), but it is continuing to raise. The tank is 70 gallon system with 55 gallon display. Currently it is sitting...
  10. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY Ammonia Issue

    So I decided to do a fishless cycle using Dr. Tim’s nitrifying bacteria and ammonia. Unfortunately, like an idiot, I dosed 5x more ammonia than I should have. I’m using an API test kit and my ammonia readings have shown 8ppm (the max for the test kit) for days and I’m getting readings of 5ppm...
  11. S

    Need help

    I have a cycled 125g tank which has been fighting Ich the past week or so. The water was starting to get cloudy .. so I tested everything was good as far as the numbers ammonia 0 nitrites 0 ph 8.0 and nitrates were at around 5-10... ok fast forward to 3 days ago.. Water getting more cloudy...
  12. Dinodanger

    Opinion on my weird cycle

    I shut down my tank moved everything to a another tank to deal with dinos restarted the tank with bottled bacteria (lots of it) tank seemed to read 0 ammonia and nitrite then nitrate creeped up to higher than ird like so I dosed nopox n within a day or two nitrate hit near zero me being...
  13. C

    What is going on with my tank!?

    So, I thought I knew what I was doing - clearly I do not. Feeling a little overwhelmed and reaching out for help before I lose anything else. My ammonia is still high even after two water changes. Lost a six line wrasse and a valentini puffer yesterday - which I'm so bummed about. Fish were...
  14. M


    My father was a fish keeper for over 40 years! His tank is a saltwater marine tank with a beautiful selection of fish and living coral. He started a frag tank to go beside this as a little retirement job and had been quite successful. Sadly this dream came to an end when he collapsed and was...