help 911

  1. H

    EMERGENCY Small larva living in filter NEED SOLUTION ASAP

    What are they and how to get rid of them? What product to use safe for fish and coral. Thanks
  2. T

    EMERGENCY I think flukes

    My wrasse has been acting like he has had flukes for the last two weeks. I have been feeding mysis with seachem focus+metroplex. He has been eating everyday even on his worst seeming days so I didn't ever worry. I don't have an air stone so I was going to get one today incase this was an oxygen...
  3. Maxie71

    Need a some opinion here

    Okay this is a new one for me my piece has detatached from its skeleton and floating loose so now on the surface seems healthy and still eating yet no skeleton what’s the verdict??
  4. G

    EMERGENCY Will this tank leak, this is a rimless Aqueoun cube 60 gallon

    Hello, I’m very concerned my tank will leak. Are these bubbles okay? I just got this tank 2 weeks ago and I’m paranoid this will leak. In one of the images the Bible’s is going all the way down the side of the tank. thanks, A fellow reefer
  5. F

    EMERGENCY Tank wipe out

    Hi all, Posting here asking for grace and advice as I try to navigate what the heck just happened to my tank. I was using this tank as a temporary/QT tank while my bigger tank (40 gallon breeder) cycles through. 20 gallon high Salinity:1.025 Nitrates:0 Nitrates: 0 Alk: 289 pH: 8.4 Temp: 76 Had this...
  6. lucyretz

    Ready to give up :(

    Let me preface this by saying i’m not trying to be a downer. i’m just so incredibly frustrated. We have a redsea 250 packed with euphyllia (mainly, some other Lps as well). I’m going to try to give everyone as much information on this tank as literal possible because i cannot find the definite...
  7. wonderphil-reef

    HELP - BJD come back

    Hi all, A few weeks ago I posted about two of my torches having Brown Jelly, I removed them and put in quarantine and tried coral dips and cutting off the heads, but they died in the end. They did last almost 2 weeks. Today I found another torch dead with the same Brown Jelly, almost two...
  8. Johnhunterwork84

    What is this on my glass?

    Woke up today and noticed 6 or 7 of these on glass. Never seen before. Hope that the photos are clear enough.
  9. TwistyTale

    Fairy Wrasse Acting oddly

    My new Fairy wrasse is swimming on his side and not moving much. He had bubbles and mucus coming out of his gills earlier today but that stopped and he had a long white poo. I don't know if he has parasites or a spinal injury or if this is normal. He's my first wrasse. Anyone know what's going on?
  10. G

    Anemone dying

    Hi everyone I had my BTA struggling for like 12-15 days. The tentacles haven’t been big for that long and everyday went very small for half day. Yesterday my emerald crab took a piece of it and I put her on a container to be alone and more light on the upper part of the tank. Today she is like...
  11. Just a Wrasse.

    EMERGENCY Help! Total crash!

    This morning, what do i see, my two clowns, dead, my fire shrimp, dead. My gobie and snails, alive. My kh is really high, is this why my fish died? did an ro water change. parameters: n03: 5ppm Ph: 8 Kh: 17!!! Help! Thanks, Stan
  12. Waynerock

    What’s happening with my scoly

    Had her for 3 years, feed weekly nothing had changed in months no new addition to the tank be it coral or invert or fish. Last week it had 1 spot that looked like scar tissue and today I noticed several more. I just hit it with the turkey baster and the spots move but don’t blow off. The spots...
World Wide Corals