hector's goby

  1. M

    Hector Goby and Watchman Goby?

    They occupy roughly the same space but I always find tank with both of them together at my LFS since the hector moves more than the watchman. Can these two be in the same tank in a 24 gallon with lots of hiding places? I've got a pair of clownfish in there as well and there's been zero...
  2. P

    Tailspot Blenny and Hector's Goby in Evo 13.5

    I would like to know if these two fish would get along in an evo 13.5? I know the blenny is mostly vegetarian while the goby is mainly carnivorous but they both dwell on the bottom. The Hector's goby is already in the tank and found his burrow. Would like to add a tailspot blenny if they are...
  3. Petrichor

    Removing xenia, killed my goby? How to proceed?

    I removed some rock from my Fluval Evo 13.5 to scrape off some pulsing xenia and then three days later my hectors' goby is dead. Did I do something wrong that contributed to his death, or was it just a fluke? Here's how it went: I removed the xenia with a razor blade, rinsed the rock off with...
  4. Petrichor

    Fish recommendations for Fluval 13.5? More gobies?

    Hey all, I'm looking for one or two fish recommendations for my Fluval 13.5. Current stock is: 1 small mocha misbar clownfish 1 Hector's goby 1 peppermint shrimp 1 hermit crab various softies and LPS (eventually adding a few SPS) Whatever the fish they need to be reef-safe and preferably...