heavy tank

  1. fishrambo

    Large Build Help with tank support for floor.

    Im looking to upgrade from 75 with sump to a larger red sea 500 132 gallon but my problem is i dunno where to start on how to support my floor. Do i just support it by bracing with more wood and install jacks? any ideals would be grateful thanks so much.
  2. rhostam

    Lend your muscle for BBQ (Aurora, CO)?

    Morning folks, I'm trying to assemble a team of folk to help me move my WB P7225 up to my main floor. I've contacted professionals (in aquatic trade), movers, and even a few neighbors. For one reason or another, I get no response, less than enthusiastic replies, or I get ghosted. The biggest...
  3. J

    Hello, I'm a new R2R member

    Good morning everyone, I've been a lurker on these forums for a while now, and figured what the heck, I may as well sign up. I'm a Canadian reefer who had to quit because I had a heavy tank and needed to move. Currently, I've got a 280 gallon (72x30x30) tank that is catching dust-- I'll set it...
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