
  1. MrDeathKills

    Acantho very damaged

    So some background first. I saw this acantho from a local reefer/seller a few months ago. I asked about and he said he isn’t selling right now because it got damaged at a show. Fast forward 3-4 months later he is moving. He posts about it for $150 with the first picture saying its still damaged...
  2. L

    Follow-up of yesterday's post

    Hey guys! So yesterday, I was asking if a fish with a dorsal fin out of the water too much time would be harmed xD The thing is, one of my fishes (Gem) got stuck between the tank heater and the wall. She's fine though! I was really worried when she was swimming badly, but her tankmates kept...
  3. R

    Damaged Scoly, will he survive ?

    Hi, Two days ago I bought a damaged scoly from my lfs, it's my first scoly. My tank is now running for almost 2 years, water parameters are stable (alk : 8,5 NO3 : between 2 and 5 ppm PO4 : between 0,02 and 0,04 ppm Ca : 430 ppm salinity : 1,025 and Mg : 1350) and everything is thriving in the...
  4. H

    Fish disease or sign of healing on Melanurus Wrasse??

    So I purchased a Melanurus Wrasse two days ago and put it into QT, I am currently treating it for internal parasites/worms due to stringy white feces and the food is mixed to @Humblefish specifications using general cure. Today as I'm observing the fish I noticed its fin was damaged as well as...
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