head and lateral line disease

  1. JeffLED

    Is this HLLE?

    Hello and thank you in advance for your assistance. I have had a sailfin I purchased from live aquaria in QT for about 3 weeks Yesterday I noticed the small anomaly between his pectoral fin and eye. I had also just upgraded the lighting in the tank, so I cannot necessarily confirm whether or...
  2. BighohoReef

    HLLE on my Tang?

    Reading, comparing, treating... I went to FishMD and am self-diagnosing my Kole which I think has HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease) He has patches on the underside near the left side flipper. I started treating him with beta glucan I can't keep him still long enough to take a...
  3. C-Reefer

    Selcon vs Vitachem for HLLE treatment

    Hey guys, I just got two bristletooth tangs out of QT (Tomini+Kole) where I did treat with copper. THe tomini developed HLLE so I got it out of QT and into DT as soon as all prophylactic treatments were finished. He's now happily swimming around in my 75 and munching algae, which has perfect...