harlequin tusk

  1. P

    How to approximate a fish’s age?

    When it comes to determining the age of a fish, size I’m sure is the first thing that many use to approximate it. Over time, they obviously get larger and you can count the day you got them as their “birthday” and keep track of how many years old they are. But what about when you purchase a...
  2. iReefer12

    Colorado Live Goods Captive bred fish available.

    I have the following fish that I’m trying to rehome. Located in Broomfield, CO & will not ship. Bali Aquarich Harlequin Tusk (gorgeous fish) - $200 Bali Aquarich Goldflake Angel: $300 Bali Aquarich Regal Angel: $250
  3. B

    EMERGENCY Harlequin tusk dying

    Hello everyone today I saw my Harlequin tusk laying on its side on the sand and not really moving much but his breathing is very heavy. I put him in an acclamation box he’s laying in his side 95% on the time heavy breathing sometimes he swims but not much
  4. SCH14

    EMERGENCY New Harlequin Tusk Blind?

    Hey everyone, I just opened a saltwater store and this is our second order of fish. We have a 220g tank with a harlequin tusk we got in yesterday. Last night all night and all morning he laid in the sand under a rock and did not move once. I noticed he kind of bumps into things like the glass...
  5. D

    Identify This Harlequin Tusk, Indo or Aussie?

    It's hard to tell because he has characteristics both would have, what's throwing me off is his tusk is a light blue, is this an aussie or indo?
  6. Trinh Fish & Corals

    Biota Captive-Bred Australian Harlequin Tusk $300 FREE SHIPPING

    Biota Captive-Bred Australian Harlequin Tusk $300 FREE SHIPPING I have (1) Australian Harlequin Tusk available from Biota. He is captive bred and eating great. Not picky at all & will eat anything from pellets to meaty foods. Free UPS Next Day Air Shipping. I can send video for those...
  7. A

    Looking to buy an Australian Harlequin Tusk Fish

    Howdy y’all! I’m looking to buy a healthy Australian Harlequin Tusk fish if anyone is looking to get rid of their’s. Houston area preferably. Thanks!