happy corals

  1. Nanolifeuk

    Lighting for ACANS w/photos

    Really quick question- are these frags too high (ignore GSP) ? Ai Prime is set as shown below (Fluval Evo tank) . Never kept Acans before, I understand they prefer lower light. I am not in possession of a PAR reader and to be completely honest I am struggling to tell if this acan is happy or...
  2. jtone_philthy_aquatics


    Frags I bought during jason fox’s Saturday sale this past weekend. Got a cool grafted monti that I have been wanting. I already had the wwc graft so I needed this one for the collection. Some of his awesome chalace corals. A few deep water acros some digi strains. Branching cyphastria and...
  3. ThunderGoose

    Help me help my corals

    I have a 55 gallon (RSR250) that's been up for 14 months now. This is my first reef tank and I'd give it a B. My fish are doing great, my BTA is HUGE, my inverts are happy (I have two urchins who are both female - they're released eggs; plus assorted shrimp and reef hermits), but most of my...
Tropic Marin USA