hanna salinity

  1. S

    Which salinity reading is more trustworthy?

    So I have been using the hanna digital salinity checker for my salinity readings for the past year or so and have consistently gotten a reading of 1.023 with an occasional jump to 1.024. I just bought a refractometer and tried it today and got a reading of 1.026. This is a day after getting a...
  2. ariellemermaid

    Calibrating Temperature Controller: What to use?

    What does everyone out there use to calibrate your temperature controller? This all started because I noticed my Hanna salinity checker is consistently 1 degree below what my controllers say. Here are my options: The controller itself. Cheap glass thermometer that came with a 20g tank: 72...
  3. Paul Kachirsky

    Hanna Salinity Checker Error Issue HELP Please

    Anyone use the Hanna Salinity Checker? I am having issues with mine. It was showing 25% battery left and err. So I replaced the battery, and still says 25% and err. Anyone have this issue? Know how to fix it? Help.
GHL Advanced Technology