
  1. J

    Is this euphyllia baliensis?

    Hi guys, recently been seeing these sold as “mini hammers”. Never really seen many till about 3 years ago. Even more common now coming out of bali and maricultured. They have rounder tips, smaller thinner skeletons. They definitely dont look like the normal hammers im used to seeing here in...
  2. lucyretz

    help me figure out why my corals arent happy

    Hi all, Once again i find myself running out of knowledge. My euphyllia corals arent opening fully and I cant figure out why. PARAMETERS: ALK: 8.78 (trident) CAL: 544 MAG: 1407 ORP:200 PH: 7.84 SALT: 35.10 TEMP:77.3 NITRATE: 10.01 (HANNA) PHOS: 0.15 (HANNA) System: 2 Ai primes running david...
  3. Alyssalaurente

    Worm living inside hammer coral skeleton?

    Hello! I’ve noticed this brown fuzzy looking thing popping in and out of a hole in my hammer coral skeleton (bottom left)I made sure to dip the coral before adding it to my tank, but I guess whatever it is, wasn’t phased by the dip. Any ideas what this could be? Is it harmless, harmful? Hammer...
  4. A

    Whats is this????????

  5. Dierker2003

    Hammer Coral seems weird?

    Hi so basically I got a new hammer coral yesterday and it’s opened up but seems stretched or something. Was just wondering if this is normal or what it may be a sign of. Thanks!
  6. ACF930

    Pennsylvania Sky Blue Hammer & Purple Tip Hammer Pack

    Beautiful hammer pack available for those Euphyllia lovers and collectors. Includes an Indo Sky Blue Hammer and Aussie Purple Tip Hammer. They have been aquacultured for almost 2 years. The Sky Blue Hammer has 3 heads and is a rare and marvelous hammer from Indonesia. I was fortunate to get...
  7. Brian Goldstein

    I need your opinion on a YELLOW HAMMER CORAL I just purchased.. Green?

    Hey Reefers! So I just purchased an Australian yellow hammer. It was labeled as "FLORESCENT NEON HIGHLIGHTER YELLOW AUSSIE ULTRA YELLOW BRANCHING HAMMER" . (What a mouthful ) I just dipped the coral and its starting to open up... However, I am a little concerned. It doesn't look nearly as...
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