hammer placement

  1. D

    Hammer coral / placement and skeleton

    Hi guys I’m new here and I have recently brought home a branched hammer coral and I’m having some trouble with placing in the aquarium and potentially the skeleton so I have placed the hammer skeleton into a crevice that is surrounded by a over hang (underestimated how large their tentacles...
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Torch and hammer coral flow requirements?

    I have just added a small powerhead to my biocube 32 LED. I dont know the brand since it was gifted to me by my brothers. I have a super tiny hammer coral and a torch coral both in the tank. How much flow will they be able to stand? I am trying to increase the flow to help my zoa and fight a...
  3. Britttt

    Keeping hammer corals in close proximity

    Hi all, we have noticed a good number of well-kept aquariums that have various hammer colonies touching. We've been keeping ours about 6 inches apart as a precaution, though are interested in trying closer placement if anyone might have advice on how to approach putting different colonies...