hammer help

  1. Foggy Pirate

    Help with Hammer coral emergency!

    Is my hammer a lost cause. This tank has been stable for over a year. I recently started to feed a little more because Iv had low nutrients for so long and also got 2 nassarius snails. They seemed to have hard time finding the small pieces of food so long story short I fed about 1/3 more than I...
  2. NotoriousDMC

    Hammer Coral: What is this on stem/base?

    Hello R2R and Happy New Year!!! I have an otherwise very healthy looking hammer that I just noticed tonight (lights off) has this on it’s stem/base? I’m only about 8 months or so into the hobby and, although I’ve battled some other well known pests (aptasia and vermitids), I’ve been fortunate...
  3. Lobotomy99

    Hammer Coral Protrusions?

    Hello all! Newer Reefer, here. I have a hammer coral with some protrusions on the trunk of the coral and am not sure what they are. In the photos one is only visible but there is a smaller one just next to this as well. The protrusions seem to open and close at the top where the spikes are...
  4. T

    Rust color on my hammer

    Good Day, I have a branching hammer that has this rust colour on the skeleton. Any idea what it is? Thanks! -Robert
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    Torch and hammer coral flow requirements?

    I have just added a small powerhead to my biocube 32 LED. I dont know the brand since it was gifted to me by my brothers. I have a super tiny hammer coral and a torch coral both in the tank. How much flow will they be able to stand? I am trying to increase the flow to help my zoa and fight a...
  6. coastalnanoreef

    Hammer coral closing help

    So I have a tank filled with hammers. A couple months ago one of my hammers looked really weird and closed up but was still open a little bit. It has stayed like that for roughly 2 months. Now a second hammers is doing it and a third looks like it might start soon. Any help would be greatly...