hammer coral problem

  1. alexiosue

    EMERGENCY Hammer Coral Enclosing Itself?

    I recently had to change the water and add algone to my 6 gallon saltwater aquarium because I noticed another coral was bleaching and the hammers were starting to curl in on themselves. After checking the levels via test strip I noticed nitrate and nitrite were high. I was wondering if they can...
  2. Trevor Paden


    I recently dosed magnesium like an idiot since I got hair algae and someone more experienced said magnesium allows more species of algae to grow so hair algae will get out competed. So I dosed 4ml of fritz RPM mag. I am unsure if before or after the mag spike is when the hammer started acting...
  3. R

    Hammer coral won’t open after adding fox face

    Since I added a fox face to my reef tank my hammer coral won’t open I had mag a little low but it’s back up to normal and it still won’t open everything else in the tank is fine I haven’t seen the fox face bite it either can someone tell me what’s wrong?
  4. Raise_the_Reef

    My Hammer Coral has retracted - any tips??

    Our hammer coral retracted all of its polyps about two weeks ago and it's skeleton is fully exposed now. There are a few other hammers in the tank - most of which are well and thriving, so I'm not sure that it's has to do with the tank itself? We've already dipped it and nothing came out...
  5. kdtorgy

    EMERGENCY Help with hammers

    Hi reefers. I need some help with my new Hammers. I got these two from a well respected LFS just under two weeks ago at the same time I upgraded my lights to two Radion G6 XR15 blues on my 140 gallon mixed reef tank. I was told to put them at 140 PAR, which I did (I have a PAR meter). They...
  6. J

    Hammer coral closing up

    Recently bought some frags from my lfs. Got a candy cane, an acan, zoa, and hammer. Zoas have some hair alge that needs taking care of, my acans look happy, candy cane looks ok, but since I bought my hammer it hasn’t opened up great and now it’s closing. It’s a new reef tank, salinity is at...
  7. W

    Skeleton showing on hammer

    Hi, I’ve been struggling to keep this hammer happy the past few days, during the day it looks some what deflated and during the night it fully retracts and shows skeleton. I’ve been struggling to keep parameters stable the past week. My alkalinity seems to drop from 7.7 to 6.9 in about 3 days...
  8. L

    receding tissue on wall hammer

    started my first reef tank 3.5 months ago, got this hammer 5 days ago not realizing it was wall and not branching. i understand that these are much harder to keep and while it’s opening up and looking happy during the day, i’m noticing a little tissue recession and some exposed skeleton. i’ve...
  9. kdtorgy

    Help with Hammer Coral

    Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to the hobby and need a little help. have a 150 gallon reef tank with mostly softies which are all doing fine. I got a hammer coral about 3 weeks ago that closed up shortly after I added it (dipped first) and has not opened yet. It's in medium flow. I've tired...
  10. S

    Whats this growing on my hammer?

    Had this hammer for 6 months and this grew over a couple weeks but just on one side of the hammer. Can anyone let me know what it could be.
  11. P

    Hammer coral deflating and droopy

    Hello Recently my hammer corals that I have had for >6months have started to wilt and deflate. For a while I was just keeping an eye on them to see if they would recover, however, it seems to be spreading to some of my other hammers and one hammer has completely lost a head. Tank has been up...
  12. Wadijhe

    EMERGENCY hammer fabric retreating

    meu martelo de ouro começou a puxar o tecido de repente! estavam bem, outros tipos de martelo estão bem, apenas o ouro começou com o problema! o que poderia ser? parâmetros salinidade: 1025 KH 6,5 cálcio 360 magnésio 1170 nitrato 5 0,1 fosfato iluminação 2x HQI 150W
  13. mkereefer

    Hammer Melting?

    I recently picked up a hammer and when I dipped it I realized it kinda shrunk in and when I put it in my tank it hasn't gotten any bigger. Is there a solution or is it dead?
  14. JennyH3

    Hammer help please

    I know this question gets asked a lot. I’ve searched the threads. Looking for a more specific answer. what is going on with this guy? I just lost 1 hammer yesterday - I think he was stung by my mushroom - so I moved the shroom. He was living right below this guy. However this guy has looked...
  15. CRath

    Hammer coral growing hanging heads

    Hi there, I have the weirdest thing going on with my hammer coral. I have a gold branching hammer that is growing in a weird way. Its new heads are growing as if they were some wacky wall hammer. One of the heads is growing skeleton, but is only attached to the colony by tissue...
  16. T

    Polyp Bailout

    I just had a hammer coral bailout it’s only head and I’m so sad. I realized I placed it in too high of a flow area and when I went to move it l, the polyp flew off. my parameters are: Salinity: 1.025 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0.10 KH: 8.2 Temp: 78.9 PH: 8.2 ca: 380 Mg: 1440 It’s a 40...
  17. ColtonWillett

    Hammer coral problem: Knotted, stringy-looking growths from between flesh and base.

    I've Googled and Googled and I couldn't find anything like this, but maybe somebody here know what's up. I've recently disturbed everything in my tank while getting rid of a bad cyano infestation, caused by neglect and a month of no water changes. I did 3 or 4 ~20% water changes over the...