hammer coral help

  1. racsoh

    Hello Intro and question/advice

    Hi, New to Reef2Reef! I'm also newbie at this part of the hobby (saltwater) I come from freshwater and I have a few/lots of questions , but for now I'll try to keep it simple. So my tank is fully cycled it has been running fine. All parameters are in check. I've have 2 torch corals that are...
  2. S.SReefer

    Hammer head help

    Heey I've just spotted this on my Hanmer. Any ideas?! Looks like a growth maybe its growing or dying.
  3. P

    Hammer deflates

    Hammer coal deflated and throwing up gray/brown slime. Had it for 3 weeks and was doing fine until I feed it around 5 days ago. Water parameters are in check ✔️. Need some help figuring out what's wrong
  4. J

    My hammers are closed i dont know whats happened

    I have had a gold hammer on my 75 gallon tank for a month it closed up after a week in the tank. I thought that it might be a individual case so I bought a purple hammer and it stared to close (not fully yet) I can't figure out what happens to it My par is 120-130 Salinity 1.024 Temp78.6...
  5. Reef Puncher

    Euphyllia retracted, sagging, mouth gaping? Solutions?

    I posted once and didnt get any tips but Im really helping someone can chime in there is no evidence anywhere online for what to do. Backstory- I had a dino outbreak, i used dino X, it killed my SPS corals, but everything else was fine. I stopped treatment, over course of 2 weeks did 60%...
  6. BudgetR33f

    Hammer Coral Getting Too Much Light?

    Just got my hammer coral yesterday, and it's turning transparent (would show photo but you can't see it in a photo). I heard that it could mean its getting too much light so I turned the light down to 0% white & 40% blue (was 15% white & 85% blue). Is it getting too much light or too little, or...
  7. mathew.jarvis

    Swollen Hammer coral

    Hi. I have been having issues with 1 hammer that looks swollen. My tank is a fluval evo 13.5 (tank is 6 months old now) and up until recently had the stock light. (Ive recently upgraded to an ai prime 16hd 2 months ago). The coral appeared normal for the first 2 days but started to swell. Hes...
  8. C

    Hammer Coarl Help!!

    Hi, hope all are having a nice day! Bought this Hammer coral about a month ago, and started to notice it getting drastically smaller, closer to death. Was curious if you have any advice on trying to save. placed him in the middle of the tank, and will share pics! Appreciate any help!
  9. Reef Puncher

    Can low height corals be placed near taller corals like hammers without being stung to death?

    I have a whole rock with new hammer corals, and i have gaps i want filled, or at least the neighboring rocks to be filled but i keep reading hammers will sting and kill other corals. But i also saw one guy with zoas surrounding a giant hammer and it looked fine in his tank. What about zoas or...
  10. N

    Hammer loosing a head

    I’m desperate what’s happening to my hammer? It was splitting and I woke up to this. Should I remove the flesh?
  11. hexcolor reef


    I have a copper gold hammer that’s unraveling. It’s next to another purple orange hammer that’s doing well. This been going on for about two weeks now. I plan on removing it and dipping in witch hazel. PH 8.4 ALK 9 Calcium 475 Mg 1500 Nitrates 5 Phosphate 0.1 It’s getting about 50 - 75 PAR...