hammer coral difficult

  1. Matt Bravo

    Hammer skeleton deteriorating

    I really need help, I noticed small things that were sticking out of the hammer so I decided to dip it. That’s when I saw the skeleton was starting to look different then last week. Please I really need help, it looks great but this is really worrying me. But at the same time it’s growing a new...
  2. afamuz

    Is my hammer dead?

    Got a hammer 1 week ago. Was doing perfectly fine till i saw my hermit one day eating at it and it had fallen off the rock. Now 2 days later it fully receded and you can see the skeleton. The little tentacles are completely loose and not puffy and it looks dead. The head at the back looks alive...
  3. JayFish4004

    What gives with hammer corals? Why so difficult?

    I really enjoy hammer corals, but for some reason they seem to be the only coral (outside of SPS experimentation) I’ve had troubles with since starting my first reef endeavor 10 months ago. Parameters have been good enough to keep everything else happy, but for some reason I’m now on my 2nd...
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