haitian anemone

  1. M

    What is on my haitian anemones foot?!

    I got this anemone yesterday and he seems to be doing really well. He has stayed open since I got him and has found a spot that he seems to like. This morning I noticed that he appears to have something on his foot. I have no idea what it is but assume it may just be poop? Can someone please...
  2. Anemone


  3. bReefedBaker

    Pick between the two!

    Between these two, which one would you buy?
  4. Aquatic0627

    White Condy and Haitian anemones

    I ordered 5 condy and Haitian anemones last month from liveaquaria.com. When they arrived they were all white. Three of them had purple tips. I heard that white anemones are bleached, so I started feeding them everyday. How long will it take them to fully recover? I can already see that one of...