#hair algae removal

  1. nefretier

    Coral id/algae help

    Hello, I have this stony coral I have been trying to save, however I'm not sure what it is. These pictures are under white light. I mostly care for its id now because I want to peroxide dip it to remove the algae however I don't know the correct ratios. If anyone has any suggestions I'm open to...
  2. joegillis205

    Help kill this algae!!

    Good day everyone, wondering what way I should go about getting rid of this algae. Tank has been running for just over a year. Crashed once and killed everything except zoas. Current parameters are Alk-8.9 Mag-1500 Cal-500 Ammonia-0 (sailfert) Po 0 Temp 78 One gallon water changes every week...
  3. cprice86

    Hello Learning algae control

    Still learning how to control the algae
  4. jackalexander

    How I defeated GHA and How You Can Too!

    Ahhh… So I assume you have GHA (green hair algae) and you have been scouring the internet for success stories and ways people have beaten it. I was in your place 8 months ago but most methods I tried ended up failing so I’ll share how I defeated it. So here’s the beginning… I purchased a frag of...
  5. B

    Need help with hair algea

    Hi all, I have hair algae in my 255L LPS tank. It's kind of green and brown. The tank is about 2 months old. I have one blue tang and one lawnmower blenny but seems both of them are not interested in hair algae. I also have one ocellaris clown fish, one flame hawkfish, one conch, one turbo...
  6. Schraufabagel

    Best combat against green hair algae?

    I have a 6 month old 25 gallon AIO tank. It is constantly struggling with green hair algae. I usually hold my nitrates between 2 - 8 and my phosphates between 0.05 - 0.15. I have a small refugium with chaeto and an Aquagadget refugium LED. I feed phyto and pods daily. I feed TDO and reef roids...
  7. jackalexander

    New Tank Syndrome

    I have been extremely patient going through my cycle and it’s been quite fun but I’m tired of it! Does anyone know when the different types of algae will start to disappear? my tank is 6-8 months old and my nitrate is sub 5 ppm. Also, how can I control green hair? it’s getting bad..
  8. MangoB

    Best Hair Algae Eater?

    Hi R2R my tank is about 9 months old and I had a really bad hair algae outbreak after i moved the tank about 3-4 months ago. since I have balanced the tank (parameters below). The algae isn't growing or spreading anymore and I just want something to get rid of all of it. I have around 30 dwarf...
  9. cylon032

    Dipping frag disk

    Hi I just wanted to share my progress with dipping a zoa frag plug in hydrogen peroxide 3%. Never done it a so a little nervous.... So I bought a gmk a couple of months ago and hair algae grew on the plug so I used a toothbrush and removed what I could by hand but it keeps coming back so I...
  10. Zachvet

    Red slime/hair algae

    How do you reign in red slime and hair algae from a previous bloom? I haven taken all the steps now to prevent it but I still have exsisting slime and hair. The tank is 75 gallons and I do about 10-15% weekly water changes. pH around 8-8.2. Nitrites/nitrates/ammonia always test 0. Calcium...
  11. MsTracy

    Sea hare and tube anemone compatibility?

    I have recently had a spike in my phosphates & now have a bloom of hair algae. I have had for months now, a tube anemone and it's grown nicely, however, things that get too close get stung. Yesterday I picked up a sea hare from my local lfs & noticed last night there is a nice clump of hair...
Tank Stop