hair algae

  1. J

    Anemone and brown hair algae

    Looking to add a rock flower anemone and a maxi mini carpet, but have been dealing with a brown hair algae outbreak for about a month. It seems to be slowing down and looks to be thinning out on the rocks. Just wondering if the Algae would stress/ cause harm to the anemone's if added. Thanks
  2. J

    Anenome and brown hair algae

    Looking to add a rock flower anemone and a maxi mini carpet, but have been dealing with a brown hair algae outbreak for about a month. It seems to be slowing down and looks to be thinning out on the rocks. Just wondering if the Algae would stress/ cause harm to the anemone's if added. Thanks
  3. A

    Algae under substrate

    My substrate was filled with GHA, so i took the superficial part out and washed it with hydrogen peroxide I know that kills good bacteria too, but nothing else was working Anyways, when i put it back into the tank, a bit of the algae that stayed got buried Is that a problem? Will it die and...
  4. A

    Fish won’t let me clean aquarium without attacking my hand/brush

    I have a green hair algae problem meaning i have to constantly brush them off. Before my clownfish was fine with it. today he decided to attack whatever i tried cleaning the algae with. how am i supposed to do the maintenance if he doesn’t let me?? does anyone have any tips????
  5. J

    Bubble algae !! Help!!

    My tank is getting infested with bubble algae!! Seen a few on the pumps and I regret not cleaning it immediately! Now it’s taking over my rocks. I tried scrapping it off but it’s more difficult then I thought it would be. I dose 2x of reflux and did absolutely nothing to the bubble algae...
  6. C

    Neglected tank clean up help!?

    Tank: 10 gallon AIO TL;DR neglected tank, what’s the best way to clean up so my pump quit working while I was out of town, took a while to notice, order new pump, install, etc. in the mean time, I’ve developed some hair algae, algae growth on the glass, and all kinds of algae along the glass of...
  7. D

    EMERGENCY Hair algae and dino

    So rn im having a huge problem with hair algae and Dino it is everywhere. I ran hydrogen peroxide for a today and now was told just to take it all out and buy pods so i bought pods and now we’re waiting. Had to take out peroxide bc it was hurting my corals. Does anyone have any other ways in the...
  8. H

    Adventures in battling algae

    QUESTION: best way to get the HA in the sand bed? My siphon doesn’t seem to pick it up since it’s stuck itself to clumps of sand How it started: So back in December, I left my RODI unit outside and it froze and broke a canister. Took me over a month to fix that so I had not been doing water...
  9. S

    Snails keep dying. Dinos? Params? Something else?

    I’ve had trouble keeping some snails alive for very long. Cerith and Nassarius seem to survive long term, however Astrea, Trochus, and Turbos seem to not do well. There is PLENTY of algae to eat. I suspect ingesting Dino toxins may be the cause, but I’d value a second opinion before I buy a...
  10. PeterReefer

    Hair algae, started dosing GFO

    I have been battling hair algae for a couple months now. Basically, target vacuuming up from the rock work, but it is getting out of hand due to high phosphate levels. so, I started running GFO in a reactor, but now I have cloudy water. Is this normal?Does this eventually run clear?
  11. PeterReefer

    Algae ID please help!

  12. vaguelyreeflike

    Frag tank full of gross-ness, help!

    So our frag tank is just filled with detritus, algae, hydroids etc. We failed to dip the original frags which was the downfall, new ones will be dipped in reef primer and lugols, but how can we clear the tank of all of this? It looks disgusting struggling with phosphates, calcium and alk...
  13. R

    Hair algae suffocating corals

    Hello I’m struggling with this algae like on the video The color is brownish, same as Dinos would be but without the “air bubble” I’m having a very hard time atm as it’s suffocating my corals. -hammer that has been recovering is now struggling again since the bad side keep getting algae...
  14. FishguyJosh

    What's Safer for Removing Bryopsis? High Mg or Fluconazole?

    I'm dealing with an outbreak of bryopsis in my 32g biocube. I have a fairly full tank of softies, LPS, some SPS, and a BTA. I also have a refugium going with copepods. What's a safer way to eliminate bryopsis...using elevated Magnesium over 1500 or dosing with Reef Flux (Fluconazole)? I...
  15. britnicole1724


    So I have confirmed I have LCA Dino’s. On top of bryopsis and hair algae that I’ve been dealing with for a while now. I do weekly water changes but it’s just not getting any better. Obviously something is off but my parameters are not showing it. salinity ammonia 0 Nitrates 7 Nitrites 0...
  16. C

    Hair algae out of control, have new ICP results

    Hello! I have a 75 gallon tank which has been up for about 2 years now, ~100 pounds of live rock with various corals and fish. I've been fighting hair algae the past few months now and it is driving me bonkers. I recently submitted an ICP test and everything seems great. Had a few minor...
  17. R

    Dipping LPS for Algae

    I've got a bit of hair algae forming on the base of my Duncans. Might be bryopsis but not positive. For a couple Zoa's that look like they have a few specs I'll use H2O2, but for LPS what can I use? Is Hydrogen Peroxide alright? I just need to do the base/stalk. The flesh is fine, although this...
  18. marisp127

    Brightwell NO3 and PO4 XPort Cubes

    Hey all, I have been struggling with nutrient export as of late (along with an outbreak of GHA) and have been working to reduce nitrates and phosphate through all of the traditional routes (water changes, reduction of feeding amount/time, consistent cleaning of filter and protein skimmer, etc.)...
  19. Firepony

    Easy Hair algae removal

    I Love my Sailfin (Sully) and Hippo (Jory) I take corals from my other 5 saltwater tanks and they "clean" them up for me :) then I can usually return them nice and clean in about 15 min. Better then adding more chemicals plus they get a treat :) I discovered this by accident when I took all...
  20. Starfishandseahorse

    Hair Algae on Pipe Organ Removal

    Hiya everyone! Quick question. My tank is doing great and my algae is under control nicely except for one holdout. My pipe organ is covered in green hair algae and I'm at a bit of a loss as to how on Earth to remove it all. Every few days I pull off as much as I can but it is insidious and the...
  21. L

    Red hair worms or algae ? Any suggestions?

    I have these… things seem to be active at night towards bottom of tank on some rocks. almost like red stringy hair . I guess it could be red hair algae but it looks different. Any help?
  22. L

    Red vein worm active at night ?

    I have these… things seem to be active at night towards bottom of tank on some rocks. almost like red stringy hair . I guess it could be red hair algae but it looks different. Any help?

    Dosing Vibrant and its effects on my tank

    Hello, I started dosing and I'm in my 2nd week of dosing. I know it takes time to clear my tank, but I have noticed the hair algae seems like its getting worse? Is this a thing, like does the problem get worse before better? I have noticed the tips of the hair algae turning white which is a...
  24. wvfeefkeeper80

    Algae Anxiety

    Algae Anxiety
  25. leotigris

    Is this cyno? How do I get rid?

    Hello Reefers, I’ve got this red carpet like thing taking over my tanks (see pics). It started off brown so I got a Mexican Turbo Snail which seemed to be doing a good job. Now it’s turned to a red carpet and some parts have really long green grass type things growing. Not sure what it is...
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