
  1. Cfellini91

    Offically Crashed Tank with NoPoX, almost all fish died...Add new live rock?

    I have had my tank going on 4 years. I almost crashed it a couple months back but brought it back from the dead. This week I accidentally dosed too much NoPoX and yesterday discovered all except one of my clowns died. I killed my green clown goby, platinum clown, hawk fish, and six line wrasse...
  2. Z

    How to get rid of green/brown hair algae?

    Hello. I need help to get rid of GHA. It's all over my back side of a tank (600 l). Tank is 3 years old and before this, I didn't have any algae issue. All the parameters are stabile for a long time. I have a mix tank, with a lot of SPS. I dose complete Red Sea program, and the only thing that I...
  3. polyppal

    A believer in H2O2

    Wanted to share my experience with the effectiveness of H2O2 baths This whitetail tang had an advanced case of velvet, and after a few days in the QT was on deaths door :( I ended up treating him with a 30m Hydrogen Peroxide bath (following @Humblefish instructions) followed by a standard...
  4. HomeSlizzice

    H2O2 vs Ich, via nightly dosing in display experiment.

    H2O2 vs Ich, via nightly dosing in display experiment. I recently bought some fish and snails from Harry’s Marine Life in LA. My fish went into my H2O2/TTM hybrid QT set up. The snails I basically dumped right in my display. I know I shouldn’t have done, but I was rushing. I usually do some...
  5. kirinreef

    Dosing H2O2 to help fighting velvet in DT

    Display tank: 150G custom tank + 50G sump. started from August 2019. Some of the rock was from the old 15G nano started from July 2018. QT tank: 20G long, established after the velvet outbreak for holding fish purchased from the boxing day sale... However more like an observation tank. Some...
  6. T

    Need anemone help! Will H2O2 fix what I can not see?

    Well I made a post in "tank emergency" last night with one reply and that was by me! Hoping for some help before its too late. Basically my BTA's went from pic number one to the last two pics. Yes they have moved and yes even in this state they will eat if I feed them which I have done sparingly...
  7. Raindog3030

    Fighting Dinoflagellates with H2O2

    We have had an outbreak of Dinoflagellates...which we had originally thought was just diatom (fairly new reef, 1.5 months old). TL;DR don't over feed your new reef!!! (I know better too, that's the worst part :() First misdiagnosis lead us to Vibrant to attempt to control the alleged diatom...
  8. mcarroll

    Algae Cure!! Spot Treating Algae With Peroxide

    For the record, there is no "cure" for algae as it's not a disease. That's the only reason the word "cure" is in the title. :) Now for HOW to spot-treat algae! (More about "why" after the how...) Fill a small syringe with 1-2 mL of regular hydrogen peroxide Shut off all flow and wait for the...
World Wide Corals